Concept of Innovation City Lab Brainstorming and finding a common position on Sustainable Local Innovation Ecosystems Finding a common understanding on sustainable innovation ecosystems Capacity-building and Knowledge sharing on best-practices and EU Programs on Innovation Positioning ourselves as EUROCITIES towards the forthcoming EU Parliament and EU Commission Advocacy, Lobbying and communication both at EU and national, regional and local level
Methodology of Innovation City Lab (2.30 hrs) Five thematic working rooms to brainstorm and come up with 5-10 recommendations A presentation of main issues and points to guide the presentation, based on background papers and inputs of the survey (sent to EUROCITIES members), by expert in the field Solution-oriented approach Open discussion to cluster recommendations from each of the working rooms into a coherent and politically relevant draft list of recommendations
Plan of each of the rooms 14.30-15.00 - Presentation by moderator (including summary analysis of the survey) 15.00-15.15 - Open floor for further on-site inputs (based on survey questions) 15.15-15.45 - Discussion in small groups 15.40-16.00 – Presentation of policy recommendations by each group (5 mins each) 16.00-16.10 – Summary and Clustering by moderator 16.10-16.20 – Final group discussion with moderator 16.20-16.30 - Final list of policy recommendations (max. 10) by rapporteur (EUROCITIES member) 16.30-17.00- coffee break (moderators and rapporteurs meeting in Atrium) 17.00-17.30- Discussion on key results of the Innovation City Lab moderated by Silvia Ganzerla EUROCITIES