Paper 1: Tues 6th June GCSE English Language Paper 2: Mon 12th June Paper 1: Explorations in creative reading and writing 1 hour 45 mins 50% Paper 2: Writer’s viewpoints and perspectives 1 hour 45 mins 50% Reading – 40 marks 15 mins read and plan Find four… 4 marks 5 mins Language 8 marks 10 mins Structure 8 marks 10 mins Evaluate 20 marks 20 mins Writing – 40 marks Describe or narrate : choice from two questions 24 content 45 mins 16 accuracy Reading – 40 marks 15 mins read and plan Select four… 4 marks 5 mins Comprehension 8 marks 8 mins Language 12 marks 12 mins Compare 16 marks 20 mins Writing – 40 marks Write in a viewpoint 24 content 45 mins 16 accuracy
What do you need to do for this question? Paper 1: Tues 6th June Paper 2 Q4 Paper 2: Mon 12th June What do you need to do for this question? Bronze – some comment on writer’s methods Silver – explanation of methods used in both texts Gold – analyse the methods used in both texts, focusing on ideas and perspectives
Success today Bronze – some comment on writer’s methods Paper 1: Tues 6th June Success today Paper 2: Mon 12th June Bronze – some comment on writer’s methods Silver – explanation of methods used in both texts Gold – analyse the methods used in both texts, focusing on ideas and perspectives Bronze – some comment on writer’s methods Silver – explanation of methods used in both texts Gold – analyse the methods used in both texts, focusing on ideas and perspectives
Preparation for GCSE English Language Paper 1: Tues 6th June Preparation for GCSE English Language Paper 2: Mon 12th June AO1 – Identify and interpret explicit and implicit information AO2 – Analyse language, structure AO3 – Compare writer’s ideas (Paper 2 only) AO4 – Evaluate texts critically (Paper 1 only) AO5 – Communicate clearly, effectively and imaginatively AO6 – Vocabulary, sentence structures and punctuation Bronze – some comment on writer’s methods Silver – explanation of methods used in both texts Gold – analyse the methods used in both texts, focusing on ideas and perspectives
Paper 1: Tues 6th June The question will be… Paper 2: Mon 12th June 4. For this question, you will need to refer to Source A and Source B (It might tell you specific lines). Compare how the writers have conveyed their different views / perspectives of…… In the answer, you could: Bullet points to help you 16 marks (20 minutes) Bronze – some comment on writer’s methods Silver – explanation of methods used in both texts Gold – analyse the methods used in both texts, focusing on ideas and perspectives
Paper 2 Q4 mark scheme Paper 1: Paper 2: Tues 6th June Mon 12th June Level Skills descriptors Level 4 – ‘Perceptive, detailed’ 13 – 16 marks Compares ideas and perspectives in a perceptive way Analyses how writers’ methods are used Selects a range of judicious supporting detail from both texts Shows a detailed understanding of the different ideas and perspectives in both texts Level 3 – ‘clear, relevant’ 9 – 12 marks Compares ideas and perspectives in a clear and relevant way Explains clearly how writers’ methods are used Selects relevant detail to support from both texts Shows a clear understanding of the different ideas and perspectives in both texts Level 2 – ‘some’ attempts 5 – 8 marks Attempts to compare ideas and perspectives Makes some comment on how writers’ methods are used Selects some appropriate textual detail/references, not always supporting from one or both texts Identifies some different ideas and perspectives Level 1 – Simple, limited 1 – 4 marks Makes simple cross reference of ideas and perspectives Makes simple identification of writers’ methods Makes simple references/ textual details from one or both texts Shows simple awareness of ideas and/or perspectives
Paper 1: Tues 6th June Paper 2 Q4 Paper 2: Mon 12th June By the time you get to this question, you will have already read the two texts. This question is asking you to analyse the methods and perspectives/ideas in each source. Remember to back up all your ideas! Bronze – some comment on writer’s methods Silver – explanation of methods used in both texts Gold – analyse the methods used in both texts, focusing on ideas and perspectives
Paper 2 Q4 Source A: 21st Century literary non-fiction Tues 6th June Paper 2 Q4 Paper 2: Mon 12th June Source A: 21st Century literary non-fiction An extract taken from The Ghost Map, a modern account of the last but one cholera outbreak in London by Steven Johnson, published in 2006. Source B: 19th Century non-fiction An extract taken from London Labour and the London Poor, a work of Victorian journalism by Henry Mayhew, published in 1851. 5 minutes reading time Bronze – some comment on writer’s methods Silver – explanation of methods used in both texts Gold – analyse the methods used in both texts, focusing on ideas and perspectives
Paper 1: Tues 6th June Paper 2 Q4 Paper 2: Mon 12th June For this question, you need to refer to the whole of Source A, together with the whole of Source B. Compare the writers’ perception of mudlarks and other scavengers. In your answer, you could: Compare the writers’ perceptions Compare how each writer uses language to present their perception Use evidence from the text 16 marks Bronze – some comment on writer’s methods Silver – explanation of methods used in both texts Gold – analyse the methods used in both texts, focusing on ideas and perspectives
Paper 2 Q4 The examiner suggests: Tues 6th June Paper 2 Q4 Paper 2: Mon 12th June The examiner suggests: Picking a sentence from each source to give us an ‘in road’ into answering the question Look for ideas / perspectives / methods At least 2 pages in the answer book – aim for 3 paragraphs. Bronze – some comment on writer’s methods Silver – explanation of methods used in both texts Gold – analyse the methods used in both texts, focusing on ideas and perspectives
Compare the writers’ perception of mudlarks and other scavengers Paper 1: Tues 6th June Paper 2 Q4 Paper 2: Mon 12th June Source A Source B Compare the writers’ perception of mudlarks and other scavengers Bronze – some comment on writer’s methods Silver – explanation of methods used in both texts Gold – analyse the methods used in both texts, focusing on ideas and perspectives
Paper 2 Q4 Statement (idea or perspective) Evidence Tues 6th June Paper 2 Q4 Paper 2: Mon 12th June Statement (idea or perspective) Evidence Impact/Analysis of the method Compare to the second source Statement X3 in detail Bronze – some comment on writer’s methods Silver – explanation of methods used in both texts Gold – analyse the methods used in both texts, focusing on ideas and perspectives
Shared write – can we write a paragraph? Paper 1: Tues 6th June Paper 2 Q4 Paper 2: Mon 12th June Shared write – can we write a paragraph? Statement (idea or perspective) Evidence Impact/Analysis of the method Compare to the second source Statement Bronze – some comment on writer’s methods Silver – explanation of methods used in both texts Gold – analyse the methods used in both texts, focusing on ideas and perspectives
Can we write a paragraph? Paper 1: Tues 6th June Can we write a paragraph? Paper 2: Mon 12th June Bronze – some comment on writer’s methods Silver – explanation of methods used in both texts Gold – analyse the methods used in both texts, focusing on ideas and perspectives