Chapter 4 – Highway of Empire
Highway of Empire What country sent the first explorers into Kansas? Name the conquistador that explored in Kansas? Why did he come into Kansas? What was the name of the city he was looking for?
Highway of Empire The Spanish did not want to colonize this area. How did Coronado and his caravan feel about the Kansas climate?
Highway of Empire What country sent the second group of explorers? Why did they come to Kansas? What was their relations like with the Native Americans? Why?
Highway of Empire How did Kansas become part of the United States?
Highway of Empire Why did American Explorers traveled through Kansas? Who came through Kansas between 1804 and 1806? Who came through Rice County in 1806 and ended up in Colorado?
Highway of Empire What two explorers nicknames Kansas “the Great American Desert”? How did this nickname effect Indian relocation to Kansas? What one explorer liked the Kansas climate?
Highway to Empire Why was trade with Mexico illegal before 1821? Why did it become legal to travel the Santa Fe Trail in 1821? Who is the Father of the Santa Fe Trail?
Highway to Empire Describe the two routes of the Santa Fe Trail.
Highway to Empire What was the Oregon-California trail used for? What started this trail? What year did this happen?
Highway to Empire What were some problems on the Oregon-California trail?
Highway to Empire Find three similarities between the Santa Fe trail and the Oregon-California trail. Find three differences between the Santa Fe trail and the Oregon-California trail.