Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol Model SIOP Lucia Buttaro, Ph.D.
Practice and application Lesson Delivery OBJECTIVES Overview of the SIOP Model Unpacking 4 components Comprehensible Input Interaction Practice and application Lesson Delivery
Components of the SIOP Model Preparation Building Background Comprehensible Input Strategies Interaction Practice/Application Lesson Delivery Review/Assessment
Comprehensible Input Speech appropriate for students’ proficiency levels (slower rate, enunciation and simple sentence structure for beginners) Clear explanation of academic tasks A variety of techniques used to make concepts clearer (e.g., modeling, visuals, hands-on activities, demonstrations, gestures, body language)
Interaction Component What is interaction? Contact and discussion between teacher/student and student to student about lesson concepts to encourage deeper thought and more language use. Uses group configuration among students Provides for sufficient wait time for student responses Gives opportunities for students to clarify key concepts in their native language as needed (this is a unique feature of SIOP)
Making Content Comprehensible
Making Content Comprehensible: Interaction
Opportunities for Interaction Encourage more elaborate responses Vary group configurations (random, voluntary, assigned) Whole group, flexible small groups, partners, triads Homogenous/heterogeneous (gender, language proficiency, ability, etc.) Allow adequate wait time Clarify concepts in L1 if needed-teacher or peers clarify concepts or use native text, dictionaries or other tools
Practice and Application Hands on materials and/or manipulatives provided for students to practice using new content knowledge Activities provided for students to apply content and language knowledge in the classroom. Activities integrate all language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing)
Focus on key vocabulary Contextualize key vocabulary Personal dictionaries Content word wall Cloze sentences Vocabulary through songs
Cognitive strategies for active learning Previewing/re-reading Establishing a purpose for reading Making connections Reading aloud Highlighting Taking notes Mnemonics
Social/affective strategies Interaction/questioning Cooperative learning Group discussion/self talk i.e.. Think/pair/share
Key Definitions Practice: refers to the opportunities provided to English language learners to become familiar, analyze and/or experiment with content and language topics Application: refers to the ways in which learners apply what they have learned in different contexts and situations
Practice and Application Tools hands-on materials and/or manipulatives Language and content knowledge – rich activities Language skills-integrated activities Purpose: For students to practice with new content knowledge For students to apply learning in the classroom For students to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing
Lesson Delivery Content Objectives clearly supported by lesson delivery Language objectives clearly supported by lesson delivery Students engaged approximately 90% to 100% of the period Pacing of the lesson appropriate to students’ ability level
Lesson Delivery Features Content Objectives should be clearly supported by the lesson delivery (stated orally – written on board for all to see) Language objectives should be clearly supported by the lesson delivery (stated orally and written on board for all to see)
Lesson Delivery Features * Class time needs to be planned efficiently – all aspects of student engagement should be considered: Well planned lessons Clear explanations of academic tasks or instructions Appropriate amount of time to spend on academic task Strong classroom management Opportunities for students to apply learning in meaningful ways Active student involvement Lesson design that meets the language and learning needs of the students
More on Lesson Delivery Features Students should be engaged approximately 90-100% of the time during the lesson (engagement minimizes boredom and off-task behaviors) Pacing of the lesson should be appropriate to the students’ ability level brisk enough to maintain students’ interests, but not too quick to lose their understanding)
SIOP Summary Review Key Features of SIOP Provide Time for “Works/Quirks/Questions” Evaluation Handout which will include: S – Something I learned… I – I will use… O – One question I have… P – Please clarify this…
English Language Learners “If the child is not learning the way you are teaching, then you must teach the way the child learns” – Rita Dunn
Bibliography Echevarria, J., Vogt, M. & Short, D. (2007). Making Content Comprehensible for English language learners: The SIOP Model (3rd ed.). Needham Heights, MA. Allyn and Bacon. Flynn, K. &Hill, J. (2005). English Language Learners: A Growing Population. Mid-Continent Research for Education and Learning Policy brief. National Center for Education Statistics. (2002a). Schools and staffing survey:1999-2000. Retrieved November 19, 2011 from 2002/2002313.pdf). Thomas, W.P., & Collier, V. (1997). School effectiveness for language minority students. Washington, D.C.: National Center for Bilingual Education. Additional Websites: