5/6/2019 Chemical Support BCTP 4th Infantry Division
Chemical Assets 46th CM Co (Mech Smoke) 5/6/2019 Chemical Assets 46th CM Co (Mech Smoke) 181st CM Co (S/D)(Dual Purpose) 443rd CM Co (MTR Smoke) 33rd NBC Detection Detachment
5/6/2019 46th CM Co (Mech Smoke) Provide a smoke haze of up to 1 kilometers in width and several kilometers in depth (weather dependent) per platoon. Can provide simultaneous coverage of several areas when employing smoke generator platoons and squads on separate missions. Authorizations Smoke Recon Decon M58 M56 FOX MOD M12A1 46 CM Co (Mech Smoke) 21 0 0 0 0 (7 M58 Systems per Platoon; 3 Platoons per Company) Provides 90 minutes of visual smoke or 30 minutes of Infrared Red (IR) smoke. Has GPFU to provide collective overpressure protection
5/6/2019 181st CM CO (Dual Purpose) Provide a smoke haze of up to 4 kilometers in width and several kilometers in depth (weather dependent). Operates up to 4 thorough or 8 operational decontamination sites (one thorough or two operational per platoon). Each thorough decontamination site is capable of decontaminating up to eight tactical vehicles per hour. * Individual platoons can not conduct simultaneous smoke and decontamination operations Authorizations Smoke Recon Decon M58 M56 FOX MOD M12A1 181 CM Co (S/D)(Dual Purpose) 0 24 0 8 0 (4 platoons per company) Company can be tailored to provide smoke and decontamination.
5/6/2019 443rd CM Co (MTR Smoke) Provide a smoke haze of up to 1 kilometers in width and several kilometers in depth (weather dependent) per platoon. Can provide simultaneous coverage of several areas when employing smoke generator platoons and squads on separate missions. * 3 Platoons per Company Authorizations Smoke Recon Decon M58 M56 FOX MOD M12A1 443 CM Co (MTR Smoke) 0 21 0 0 0 (7 M56 Systems per Platoon; 3 Platoons per Company) Provides 90 minutes of visual smoke or 30 minutes of Infrared Red (IR) smoke.
33rd NBC Detection Detachment 5/6/2019 33rd NBC Detection Detachment Conducts route, zone, and area reconnaissance to determine the presence and extent of NBC contamination. Provides radiation monitoring and chemical agent accident and incident control plan operations. Route recon: Directed effort t obtain information on a route when it is likely it is contaminated. Zone recon: Directed effort to obtain information on NBC hazards within a specified zone. This mission is appropriate when previous knowledge of the zone is limited or there are indications or reports of NBC hazards. Area recon: Directed effort to obtain information concerning a specific area. This a specialized form of zone recon which proceeds faster due to a specific area if terrain. All three types of recon require the following actions to be conducted: Conduct a survey to define the extent of contamination (this is time dependent due to the tine required to conduct the survey). Locate and mark clean bypass routes. Terminate the mission, with permission of the controlling headquarters. Continue the mission
5/6/2019 Priorities of Support Recon: MSRs, axis of advance, FARP positioning, o/o route and area recons. Smoke: Screening attack aviation units, FARPs, ATACMS/MLRS, ASPs, POL points, passage of lines, assembly areas, and o/o river crossing operations Decon: Attack aviation, ATACMS/MLRS, Q-36/37 radar’s, maneuver, logistical assets, C2 and reserve.
5/6/2019 Specified Tasks (1 of 2) NBC Recon assets will identify and mark lanes through and/or round chemically contaminated areas (pg J-3). NBC Recon priority of effort to MSR trafficability, FARP positioning (pg. J-3). Smoke Operations will protect the force from observed direct/indirect fire (pg. J-3). Smoke priority of effort is screening attack aviation units, FARPs, ATACMS/MLRS, key logistical sites (ASPs, POL points), passage of lines, assembly areas (pg. J-4). Conduct decon operations to restore combat power and reduce the spread of contamination (pg. J-3).
5/6/2019 Specified Tasks (2 of 2) Decon priority of effort is attack aviation, ATACMS/MLRS, Q-36/37 radar's, maneuver, logistical support assets, C2 and reserve (pg. J-4). Report changes to MOPP level to higher headquarters (pg. J-5). Report all Chemical strikes IAW TACSOP (pg. J-6). PB Tablets will not be issued or consumed by soldiers unless directed by CG III Corps (pg. J-5). Division will identify thorough decon sites in AO and forward location to higher headquarters (pg. J-5). 818 CSH is the designated chemically contaminated casualty treatment facility (pg. J-6).
5/6/2019 Implied Tasks (1 of 2) Provide recon, smoke and decon support to the Division. O/o conducts route and area recons in division sector. O/o conduct smoke operations in support of river crossing operations. Coordinate with engineer assets to assist in preparation of thorough decon sites. Identify decon cache sites.
Implied Tasks (2 of 2) O/o chemical logistical packages are pushed forward to decon cache sites. BCT’s will identify and report operational decon sites in their AO to the Division TAC. NBC Warning and Reporting system will be IAW TACSOP. 2d Chemical Battalion will report equipment and personnel changes to the Division TAC/Main.
Facts (1 of 3) Nuclear and biological threatcon is white. 5/6/2019 Facts (1 of 3) Nuclear and biological threatcon is white. OL possess various chemical munitions delivery systems. OL will employ chemical weapons against U.S. Forces when necessary to gain a strategic/tactical advantage. U.S. forces can not employ chemical or biological weapons. U.S. Nuclear release authority is retained at NCA. RCA release authority is retained by Commander X Corps. Weather and terrain will support enemy employment of chemical agents.
5/6/2019 Facts (2 of 3) Weather condition will allow chemical agents to remain viable longer than normal (especially non-persistent agents). Weather conditions will decrease work/rest intervals for soldiers in MOPP. Cold temperatures will hamper decontamination operations (hypothermia threat). Terrain restricts movement causing forces to be grouped, increasing vulnerability to chemical strikes. Release authority for the use of CW in support of tactical operations lies with OL Commander.
Facts (3 of 3) Certain civilian facilities may present a chemical hazard if damaged. Employment of chemical agents will degrade U.S. ability to conduct sustained offensive operations due to logistical drain. Division does not have additional Individual Protective Equipment (IPE) to support local nationals and only a very limited supply for host nation forces.
5/6/2019 Assumptions U.S. use of smoke, flame, incendiary, or riot control agent weapons will not be construed as initiation of chemical warfare by OL. Local nationals will request U.S. forces to supply NBC defensive equipment and training. Other U.S. forces operating in the Corps zone/sector will request NBC defense and smoke support from X Corps. All U.S. soldiers have been inoculated against Anthrax
5/6/2019 Constraints RCA are only to be used o/o in defensive military modes to save lives. Commander X CORPS withholds authority to use RCA. Commander GCC withholds authority to employ incendiary weapons. Herbicides are not authorized.
5/6/2019 RFI’s (1 of 2) Does the OL possess the ability to deliver chemical agents by aircraft (bombs, aerosols)? Known locations of chemical munitions storage facilities. Present condition of chemical munitions storage and production facilities. Known location of chemical munitions handling units. Are any unconventional warfare teams trained in chemical or biological weapon production/weaponization? Types of chemical agents available to OL for employment.
RFI’s (2 of 2) Types of delivery systems for chemical munitions. 5/6/2019 RFI’s (2 of 2) Types of delivery systems for chemical munitions. Considerations for the re-supply of large amounts of water to support decontamination operations if local sources (lakes, streams, etc.) are frozen over. Availability of additional smoke assets to support 4ID operations. Who will handle mortuary affairs decontamination? What is the current guidance for re-supply of SGF-2 (fog oil), graphite and decontaminants? Availability of replacement filters for GPFU in vehicles with over pressure systems.
Are smoke companies in the 2d CM BN equipped with M58 and M56 smoke systems? Can the authorization for the use of riot control agents be delegated to BDE CDR’s or Div CDR? Guidance for supplying IPE to host nation forces. How many OL NBC recon forces are there and how are they organized? Are there any additional Decon assets/companies available for the Division?Request 415 CM Co (D) and 1/451 CM Co (Recon). # of additional water carriers available to 4ID?
5/6/2019 Hazards Civilian facilities that may present a chemical hazard if damaged. Fertilizer storage Anhydrous ammonia Water filtration Pharmaceutical Petrochemical plants Insecticide plants Coatings production
CCIR PIR: Location of chemical capable firing units. 5/6/2019 CCIR PIR: Location of chemical capable firing units. Movement of chemical munitions to firing units. Location of chemical agent production facilities. EEFI: Location of chemical cache sites . Total number of FOX vehicles FFIR: Location of chemical attacks. Loss of FOX vehicles, M58 and M56 smoke systems.
assets spread over three AA no deep coverage w/Fox’s Smoke Decon COA 1 Recon(Fox vehicles) assets spread over three AA no deep coverage w/Fox’s Smoke Decon Increases chemical vulnerability on AA (2 vs 3) Logistics timeframe to re-supply fwd units COA 3 Recon assets on 2 AA Smoke Decon Reduces vulnerability on AA