CTE Program Approval Process Cheryl Winstel Cheryl.Winstel@nysed.gov Mark Tanner mtanner@hfmboces.org
CTE Program Deadlines All applications due June 30th for approval through the next school year Any missing documentation due December 31st of that school year Programs failing to submit documentation by December 31st will lose their approved status and are considered to be a lapsed program Lapsed Program Status no academic credits can be issued No technical endorsement can be given to any students enrolled in the program Lapsed program approval application must be submitted to reinstate program approval Approved Program Amendment Forms Can be submitted anytime during the approval period Submit all supporting documentation (teacher certifications, technical assessment name, etc.)
Components of an Approved CTE Program of Study CIP code & Program name Data Self-Study Program Content WBL Employability Profile Technical Assessment Post-Secondary Articulation Faculty External Review Chief Administrator’s Signature
CIP Code and Program Name CIP Code (classification of instructional programs) A unique identifying match to the curriculum focus Directly connected to SCEDS codes and teacher certification titles May not have more than one CTE program with the same CIP code Program name The name of the CTE program as advertised in marketing information Not the CIP code title
Data Approval applications project enrollment Projected student enrollment Students who receive special education services/504 Re-Approval applications reflect/report accurate 5 year enrollment Student completers Students who received special education services/504 Students completing technical assessment Students who passed the technical assessment Students who received a technical endorsement
Self Study Form C Curriculum review and recommendations made by the self-study team Comprised of teachers, administrators, business partners, post-secondary partners Submit meeting minutes and/or final self-study report Do not submit curriculum crosswalks Include labor market data
Program Content Form D List CTE courses, CFM and associated credits Automotive I-3 credits Automotive II-3 credits List each integrated/specialized academic credit Integrated ELA – 1 credit Integrated Science – 1 credit Describe program updates and how they are communicated to the component districts Standard alignment Career Cluster Framework, CCTC, NYS learning standards, industry standards, academic standards
Integrated & Specialized Academics Co-planned, co-delivered, co-assessed by CTE teacher & academic teacher ELA, Math, Science, or Social Studies (CJ programs) Specialized academics – Adds academic content to an existing CTE program that may not be a basic component within the CTE curriculum Integrated academics – Includes academic content which is an integral part of the CTE program. The CTE program cannot be taught without the integrated academic content, it cannot be taught as a stand-alone course. Students cannot receive integrated academic credit if they do not pass the CTE program
Work Based Learning Form E Details on data collection process Brief description of each type of WBL experience (worksite tours & field trips are not WBL hours) Provide name of person responsible for data collection On application provide number of students participating in WBL each year Cannot exceed number of completers in section B of application Include expiration date for all registered WBL programs and number of students who participate in each program Include number of students participating in all other unregistered WBL experiences (this may exceed number of completers in section B)
Employability Profile Include 21st century skills Include technical skills specific to the program Only include critical technical skills that employers need to view Employability profile is designed for potential employers, not a teacher rubric 1-3 pages Do not include CDOS standards or book chapter titles A summative report not a formative report
Technical Assessment Students must successfully complete all three parts Written Performance Locally developed project Assessments must be approved for use by CTE Team Provide correct vendor name, assessment name & number where appropriate ASE is not acceptable, ASE maintenance & light repair is acceptable
Post-Secondary Articulation Form H Trade apprenticeships, college programs or trade schools are all acceptable All agreements must be current & include Names of both the postsecondary and secondary institution State specific CTE program name State the benefit to the student (credits, advanced standing, etc) Dates agreement is in effect/expiration date How often it will be reviewed Signature of both post-secondary and secondary institutions
Faculty Form I List all CTE teachers & attach certifications without any SS# Attach professional licenses as needed (Health Science and Appearance Enhancement content areas) List academic teachers & attach certifications
External Review Form J Complete form J including signatures from review committee Committee should be comprised of CTE teachers, administrators, post-secondary partners, industry partners, etc. Self-study and external review committee should not be the same individuals, some overlap may occur Submit 2 academic reviewers for each academic content from two different school districts (do not include teacher certifications) Submit meeting minutes & brief description of recommendations
Chief Administrators Signature Chief Administrative Officer and School Board President signatures on approval application Chief Administrative Officer signature on re-approval application BOCES – District Superintendent LEA – School Superintendent