ERWC Vocab Four New
Appalling Adjective Shocking/Horrifying/Amazing (in a bad way) I found his behavior appalling and I’m glad that he was called out for it.
Brusque Adjective “BRUSK” Rude/Using short, unfriendly responses She was inexplicably brusque when I asked her how her day was, so I left her alone.
Candid Adjective “Honest about something” “Unrehearsed” His candid criticism of my essay actually really helped me improve my writing.
Demeanor Noun Apparent attitude/behavior His arrogant demeanor was really just to hide his insecurities.
Thursday Grab your folder from the back table. You will need three index cards (Two for vocab, one for the reading quiz) Please title one of the cards: “Reading Quiz Five 100-115” Tonight’s reading will be pages115-126. The full reading schedule is on the website.
Eradicate Verb To get rid of/eliminate something Perhaps we will never be able to eradicate racism, but we can make positive steps that affect change.
Forsake Verb To abandon something/move on from it In order to succeed, you may have to forsake some of your unproductive habits.
Glower Verb To glare/frown/scowl at someone She glowered at me for confiscating her phone, as if it was my fault she was breaking the rules.
Impetuous Adjective “Tending to act without thinking” / “Impulsive” Teenagers are often impetuous and fail to consider the consequences of their actions until later.
Manifest Verb To show up as or appear as He began manifesting signs of an infection such as a fever, three days ago.
Obtrusive Adjective Noticeable in a negative way Opposite: Unobtrusive The building is nice, but the obtrusive artwork outside ruins the whole thing.
Precipitate Verb To accelerate a process His terrible attitude precipitated his getting kicked off the team.
Sophomoric Adjective Childish/Immature Enough with the sophomoric fart jokes, man—you’re 35 years old!