HSE Field Engagements in 2012 PURPOSE: Show our Commitment to Safety as Leaders. Build Trust. Play an active role in helping to achieve “Goal Zero” Connect & support personnel on the “Front Lines”. Recognise areas of concern and develop real action plans. Managers/Leaders have a shared accountability in results. 09 May 2019
What a Field Engagement should be: Three day commitment. (No Flyby's!) Allows one complete day from start to finish with the crew and a full observation of their daily routine. Prevents the quick guided tour routine, ability to see all ongoing work. Allows time for additional audit items to be completed without rushing. Morning Kick Off Meeting Attend the kick off meeting and observe/participate. Share CST & BOOT Team issues and agendas, Info share. Footer: Title may be placed here or disclaimer if required. May sit up to two lines in depth. 09 May 2019
What a Field Engagement should be: Observe and Interact with the Crew Let them know you are interested in their safety. LISTEN to the crews, they have allot to offer. Participate in a Side by Side BBSM Observation with a crew member. Attend 5:00 PM Planning / Permit Meetings Audit Items of Interest WCC’s / Permits Safety Meetings JSEA’s Fall Rescue Plans Lift Plans Toolhouse and tools Temporary Equipment (Air Compressors, welding machines, etc..) Footer: Title may be placed here or disclaimer if required. May sit up to two lines in depth. 09 May 2019
What a Field Engagement should be: MOST IMPORTANTLY – CONSTRUCTIVE TWO WAY FEEDBACK Meet one on one with the Superintendent(s) and the Construction Representative(s) Discuss your observations of activities. Recognise the positive behaviors & processes that are working. Address Audit item findings. Have a discussion on areas where improvements can be made. Offer suggestions and an action plan on how to improve in the areas of concern. Make the action plan one that is auditable to gauge its effectiveness. Commit to a follow up field engagement within a designated time frame. Footer: Title may be placed here or disclaimer if required. May sit up to two lines in depth. 09 May 2019
What a Field Engagement should be: Report Out with Accountable Shell Construction Foreman Discuss the Field Engagement Discuss Audit Findings Share Action Plans Follow up on Action Plan results. Remember the difference between a boss and a leader; a boss says "Go!" - a leader says "LET‘S GO!" ~E.M. Kelly Footer: Title may be placed here or disclaimer if required. May sit up to two lines in depth. 09 May 2019