Rise of Fascist Dictators Germany, Italy, Spain, & Japan
Causes – the Great Depression Collapse of New York Stock Market triggered The Great Depression. October 24, 1929 millions of shares of stock were dumped on market. Within a week American investors lost over $40 billion. People rushed to cash in all their savings - over 9,000 banks closed & many lost entire savings.
Causes – World Wide Depression The Depression not just in USA Affected almost every economy in world. Germany – had biggest debt & plunged into financial crisis. One in three Germans workers were unemployed. Atmosphere of economic uncertainty - many people attracted to extremist political groups. Groups included Fascists, Nazis, & Communists - offered radical solutions.
What is Fascism? US Political Parties Communism Fascism Fascist parties came to power in several countries using brutality to gain support. Fascism totalitarian philosophy of government that glorifies state & nation & the state has control over every aspect of people’s lives. believed state is more important than individual citizens.
What is Fascism? Anti- Pro Communist, socialist Homosexual Minorities Semitic Democratic Individualism Pro Social Darwinism, racism Expansionism Chauvinism
Fascism in Italy – Benito Mussolini
Il Duce Mussolini organized Fascist party… Italian Social Republic formed under Mussolini He became prime minister in 1922 Claimed would make Italy strong & powerful. Assumed dictatorial control by 1928
The Rise of Hitler
Causes of Fascism in Germany Many Germans angry about harsh Treaty of Versailles. What did they have to be angry about?? Germany economy suffers another major setback in 1929 with New York Stock Market Crash. Hitler supported by most Germans - his promises gave them back the pride they lost in WWI.
Who are the Nazis? Nazi party, headed by Hitler, opposed Weimar Republic Nazi party gained support during 1930’s depression Hitler & his party believed Germans superior race Aimed at ruling a strongly controlled German state of “pure” Aryans
Hitler Takes Power Appointed chancellor - 1933 Crushed all Nazis opposition - establishes Third Reich Took over Rhineland & formed Rome-Berlin Axis - 1936 Annexed Austria - 1938 The Munich Conference - handed Czechoslovakia - 1938 Attacked Poland - September 1, 1939 (Start of WWII)
Fascists Band Together M U S O L I N H I T L E R
Japan – Emperor Hirohito & Emperor Tojo
Japanese Fascism Attacked Manchuria - 1931 Began expansion of Imperial Navy -1934 1934 -Japan made anti-Soviet pact with Germany. Growing power of army drew Japan closer to fascist governments in Europe. Japanese invaded northern China -1937
Other Fascist Regimes? Argentina – Peron Brazil – Plino Salgado Some Middle Eastern Independence Movements