Mrs. Dunham’s Procedures


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Presentation transcript:

Mrs. Dunham’s Procedures Hawk P.R.I.D.E. Mrs. Dunham’s Procedures Aligned with Hawk P.R.I.D.E.

Procedures Preparation Attendance: All students are expected to be in class, on time, each day. If you are not in the room working on your agenda or gathering your materials when the door closes and class begins, you are late. If you arrive and the door is closed, you must have an official school pass or note from another staff member in order to enter the room. Once you’ve obtained the proper documentation enter the room silently and follow along tenaciously. Do not disturb other students by asking about what is going on. I will fill you in on what we are doing when a chance arises.

Procedures Preparation There are NO electronic devices allowed at any time in the classroom unless otherwise specified. Keep these items turned off and in your backpacks or lockers and it will not be a problem. When entering a learning environment, remove all head gear and turn off and put away all electronic devices. Materials: Have necessary supplies for class, including planner, student ID, and completed assignments. Use Infinite Campus regularly. Pencil/Pen – black and dark blue ink; Index Cards; Highlighters – pink, yellow, green, blue; dividers; etc.

Procedures Preparation Dress according to the WCSD dress code. If you’re dressed inappropriately you will receive a referral and/or be required to change your clothes.

Procedures Responsibility Entering the Room: Be on time. Entering the room properly ensures that you get the most out of every single minute we have together each day. You should enter the room with all required materials in order to be considered “prepared”. After making eye contact and shaking my hand; silently enter the room, pick up any handouts on the handout table, take any necessary items out from your backpack, (unless otherwise instructed) turn in homework to your period’s IN box, go to your desk, copy the days date, objective, and agenda and wait patiently for directions.

Procedures Responsibility Exiting the Room: Students are expected to pack up and prepare to leave upon my verbal dismissal, and not a second before that. Students are expected to clean up around their area and to straighten their desks into their original position out of respect for the next class. In other words, at the end of class, please put your chairs back, throw your trash away, replace your text book and any material used, and wait for me to dismiss you. There will be no congregating by the door; please stay in your assigned seats.

Procedures Responsibility Attention: The only way to get my attention in class is to raise your hand silently. I will not acknowledge anything other than raised hands unless otherwise specified. If I need to get the class’ attention, I will count down starting at three and by the time I reach one all eyes are on me and I have your undivided attention. The amount of time it takes you to be quiet will be taken from your passing, lunch or after school time (depending on when your class is) if there is no cooperation.

Procedures Responsibility Book Policy: Students, and ultimately parents/guardians, are financially responsible for all school issued texts. These materials must be cared for in a responsible manner. You are expected to return materials in their original condition or you will need to pay for them. Assignments: All assignments need to have your first and last name, date, and class period in the upper right hand corner. All work needs to be on standard-sized paper (half sheets and scraps will NOT be accepted).

Procedures Responsibility Make Up Work: You can only make up work with an excused absence and prior to the unit tests/essay for each unit in the course. See me before or after school if you have a question about an assignment you’ve missed. Do NOT come inquire about make up work during class time. Conduct: It is expected that all students follow the Non-negotiable Rules outlined by the school. I expect all students to behave in a mature manner. Each student is expected to show anyone entering the classroom (administration, substitutes, visitors) the same regard and consideration they would expect for themselves. Each student is held personally responsible and accountable for his/her actions.

Procedures Integrity Cheating: During independent work, (tests and quizzes) there is ABSOLUTELY NO TALKING FOR ANY REASON, no excuses. If you need anything, raise your hand, and I WILL COME TO YOU. Once I pass out a test/quiz, talking of any sorts will jeopardize your grade and will result in an F. Do not copy another students’ work or let them copy yours. If this occurs both students will receive an F. Provide a source for anything gained from anywhere other than yourself. Do not copy information from books or from the internet. That is also cheating, and will warrant an F. TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR OWN HARD WORK.

Procedures Integrity Passes: You will be given 4 standard passes for my class only. Using passes during class is a privilege and if it is misused it will be modified so that we can continue to maximize focus time in class. Passes will be issued to students after the first 15 minutes of class and before the last 15 minutes of class. Do not interrupt me to obtain a pass. When students are working independently in class or in groups, it is then appropriate to ask for a pass. You must have your designated planner and English pass in hand and filled out before you request to leave.

Procedures Integrity Talking: Side chatting and off topic dialog will warrant immediate consequences. Your appropriate words and the words of every member of this class are highly valued and this rule stands in order to ensure that you and I will be heard. Stay on task, following all class expectations, for the entire period Positively accept consequences for actions Keep the classroom graffiti- and litter-free Handle conflict in a civil manner

Determination Positive attitude Take charge of your own learning Procedures Determination Positive attitude Take charge of your own learning Create and follow a plan for success Challenge yourself to complete high quality work Have positive and appropriate social interactions

Procedures Empathy Group Discussion: Every question and comment within these classroom walls leads to greater understanding of assignments given, information taught, topics discussed, and life in general. We will be conducting a number of mature conversations. Each question and comment will be respected. Examples include but are not limited to: not criticizing others but forming options, raising your hand, and expressing yourself as well, not laughing inappropriately, and by keeping all things discussed confidential and unrepeated outside of these classroom walls. All opinions may not be agreed upon, and in fact, adverse opinions are encouraged, but all classroom contributions will be respected. Any hindrance to our safe classroom environment is a serious problem and will warrant serious consequences. Respect others’ opinions and their right to learn.

Empathy Work with others, honoring and valuing diversity Procedures Empathy Work with others, honoring and valuing diversity Use appropriate language at all times Honor and value diversity by being proactive in preventing student conflicts

Procedures Review Time!

Procedures reparation

Procedures esponsibility

Procedures ntegrity

Procedures etermination

Procedures mpathy

Procedures If you ever need to speak with me, for any reason, please try to set up a time in advance. I am committed and dedicated to YOU and it is my priority to do whatever I can to help you succeed.