Environmental tolerance in UAE IDP Done by : Amira Faisal Abdullah grade : 11a
Science ENVIRONMENTAL TOLERANCE IN UAE Just as species have geographic ranges, they also have tolerance ranges for the abiotic environmental conditions. In other words, they can tolerate (or survive within) a certain range of a particular factor, but cannot survive if there is too much or too little of the factor. V. Comparing between tolerance shown by Indians in the UAE : The message of tolerance our country seeks to convey to the world includes in its scope the peaceful coexistence between people and their surrounding environment. The founding father of the UAE, Shaikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, championed this message, and the country’s current wise leadership carries it forward With respect to specific indicators, India ranks poorly (above 100 out of 128 countries) on depth of food deficit (rank 100), access to improved sanitation facilities (rank 103), political terror (rank 113), mobile telephone subscriptions (rank 108), press freedom index (rank 102), premature deaths from non-communicable diseases (rank 100), suicide rate (rank 111), outdoor air-pollution attributable deaths (rank 125), biodiversity and habitat (rank 108), early marriage (rank 112), tolerance for immigrants (rank 110), discrimination and violence against minorities (rank 104), religious tolerance (rank 121), community safety net (rank 121), women’s average years in school (rank 103) and inequality in attainment of education (rank 110).
PHYSCIS physical aspect of environment Comparing UAE and India in temperature w rainfall: 1) UAE has tropical dessert climate while India has a tropical monsoon type climate 2) UAE have sunny and hot climate all year while India has a clear season of summer and winter 3) in UAE dust storms are very common while in India rainy phase occurs due to reversal of wind. 0
BIOLOGY: health:. The UAE is made up of 7 emirates and is a federation of hereditary absolute monarchies with varying degrees of Islamic religious conservatism. Those with higher oil wealth and greater resources developed more quickly, as did their health care systems. The highest standards of health care are in Dubai and in Abu Dhabi.. The health care system in India is primarily administered by the states. India's Constitution tasks each state with providing health care for its people. In order to address lack of medical coverage in rural areas, the national government launched the National Rural Health Mission in Disease:. In the UAE, approximately 4,500 new cases of cancer are reported in a year. In 2012, cancer was the third leading cause of deaths in Abu Dhabi. The UAE is determined to bring down cancer fatalities by nearly 18 per cent by Reducing the number of deaths due to cancer is one of the key performance indicators of the pillar of world-class healthcare of the UAE National Agenda.. Fever is among the most common diseases in India.
Biology food items:
Chemistry : composition of air quality UAE: Groundwater quality in the shallow and deep aquifer systems, particularly in the Bajada region, ranges from 600 to 2000 parts per million (ppm). Household water tolerance quality is considered one of the best in the world, reaching 96% India: industry. Most rivers, lakes and surface water in India are polluted. Water tolerance pollution is a major environmental issue in India. The largest source of water pollution in India is untreated sewage. Other sources of pollution include agricultural runoff and unregulated small scale