Blood Transfusion E-Learning Anti-D Clinical Module
Introduction DOH Health Service Circular 2007/001 Better Blood Transfusion – Safe and Appropriate Use of Blood has many objectives for each Trust to achieve. One of these objectives is to “ Ensure that clinicians in hospitals and primary care are trained to carry out antenatal testing and prescribe prophylactic anti-D immunoglobulin (antenatal & postnatal) appropriately.”
To enable Trusts to meet this objective, a short national e-learning programme has been devised which will allow the Trust to evidence that the training of prescription of anti-D has taken place. This e-learning can be accessed via The following slides show you how to access and navigate the site.
To access from the web: On home page select: Click here to login to learnPro NHS
Click on X – to close module
Click on “Next” to move to next page. You will only have to go through the Introduction once. You can either complete the Learning for all the modules and then go to the assessments for all modules Or Complete the Learning for Module 1 and then the assessment for module 1 before moving onto Module 2. To close a module, click on X (top right corner) and this will take you back to menu screen to allow you to select the next module.
You do not have to complete : The modules in order All in one go! On completion, Select PROFILE, CERTIFICATE and print. (See next slide)