Othello Act V Summary
Act V.1 Character list Iago Roderigo Cassio Othello
Act V, Scene 1 Iago set Rod. on Cassio. Cassio and Rod. fight. Iago stabs Cassio in the leg. Cassio asks Iago for help, so Iago kills Rod. Othello hears Cassio say he’s murdered and thinks Iago has done his part of their plan. Othello leaves to kill Desi.
Act V.2 Characters Emilia Desdemona Othello Iago Lodovico Cassio Montano
Scene 2 Othello is crying in his bedroom, about to kill Desi as she sleeps. He opines about how difficult it is to kill her. He kisses her. She wakes up. They talk of him killing her. She defends herself and begs him not to do it, saying banishment would be better. He asks after the handkerchief, says he knows she gave it to Cassio. She denies it. She swears her loyalty and asks O. to call for Cassio so he can defend her. O. says Cassio confessed to the affair and is now dead. She cries, fights for her life, and he smothers her.
Scene 2, Cont. Emilia enters, wants to speak to O., clarifies that Rod. is dead, not Cassio. She hears Desi and catches her last breath. O. admits to killing her. Emilia defends Desi’s honor, saying she was true. O. says Iago can confirm that Desi was untrue. Emilia says Iago is a liar and calls for help. Iago and others arrive. Iago says he told what he knew. Emilia calls out Iago for lying. Shares that Iago asked her to give him the handkerchief. Iago kills Emilia.
Scene 2, Cont. Before Emilia dies, she chastises O. for not trusting Desi and then dies. Othello stabs Iago to injure but not kill him. Iago continues to be petulant. Cassio arrives, and O. asks for his forgiveness. Iago’s schemes come to light. Iago refuses to explain WHY he did what he did, saying he will never speak again. Cassio is named governor of Cyprus, commands O. be taken away. O., realizing he has been played, takes full responsibility for his actions, gives a speech asking for him to be remembered as noble but flawed, kills himself, laying beside Desi. Cassio speaks highly of O.’s nobility, Iago’s fate is left uncertain. Lodovico will carry the news to Venice.
So essentially… Lots of sh-- happens. And… everyone dies but Iago. Oh, and Cassio. fin