ESS Handbook on Radiation Protection Chapter 6 – Dosimetry Lena Johansson, Ida Bergström Radiation Protection Group 10 April, 2018
SSM conditions # Request 7-26 a description of procedures for how dose monitoring shall be performed for visitors within a controlled area. 7-27 a description of how ESS intends to ensure that workers belonging to Category A shall have access to the information on the individual dose, and the supporting documentation used to determine the dose, even in the event of unforeseen exposure. 7-28 an account of how the selected personal dosimeter is adapted to the activities to be performed and the radiation type present therein. 7-29 an account of the selected personal dosimetry laboratory, which personal dosimeters are intended to be used, and that these personal dosimeters are subject to approval by the personal dosimetry laboratory. 7-30 an account of how measured personal doses will be documented and archived at ESS, and how reporting to SSM will take place. 7-31 an account of how ESS intends to investigate the reason for an unexpected change in the registered dose to workers. 2018-04-10
SSM conditions # Request 7-34 7-35 SSM deems that ESS, prior to the application for trial operation of the warm part of the accelerator, needs, as a minimum, to supplement with: procedures that ensure ESS checks that external persons provide a valid medical certificate and information in a current radiation passbook or dose register. procedures for registering and reporting the measured radiation dose of external persons. 7-36 specifications on the instruments and equipment for measuring personal doses, dose rates, and contamination that will be used. The account should also contain a justification as to why these instruments and equipment may be considered sufficient for measuring and monitoring the warm part of the accelerator. (Request 7-36 also in Chapter 7 Radiation Monitoring) 7-51 a description of how archiving, as well as a link to registered personal doses, shall take place in the future operation of the facility. (Request 7-51 also in Chapter 2 General Safety Objectives). 2018-04-10
Chapter 6 – Dosimetry 6.1 Dosimetry 6.1.1 External dose control 6.1.2 Internal dosimetry 6.1.3 Dosimetry for visitors 6.1.4 Reporting of radiation dose to individuals 6.1.5 Radiation passbook or extract from National dose register 6.1.6 Pregnancy and breast feeding 6.1.7 Dosimeter usage and conduct 6.1.8 Technical requirements for external dosimetry 6.1.9 Accreditation and approval from SSM for dosimetry service 6.2 Roles & Responsibilities 6.2.1 ESS Radiation Protection Dosimetry Service (RP-DS) 6.2.2 Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) 2018-04-10
ESS Dosimetry service today We have Rules for medical examination RP training for Supervised radiation area PPD:s for RP group Dose record for ESS personnel In progress Dosimeter request forms For PPD, special dosimeters, dosimetry for visitors, EPD? ESS Rules of Personal Dosimetry to be signed before assignment of PPD Dosimetry web page How to obtain a PPD, minimum requirements, RP training, visit/work another facility, medical examination Access system ESS-0270312, 270313, 270314 ESS-0270295 On Confluence / RP 2018-04-10
Categorisation By who? Where? Controlled area only for Cat A workers? Restricted for Cat B workers? Avoid categorising anyone as Cat A? Cat A Users? No radiation workers under 18 years (restricted visits 16-18 years) Not allow Pregnant to work in controlled area (contamination or not)? 2018-04-10
Reporting Dose record for everyone at ESS (staff, contractor) No reporting yet, but dose certificates Make available in Agresso? Reporting to National Dose Register planned for ESS staff Only Category A? Contractors? Users? Visitors Fill/issue dose passport Archiving? Exposure investigation when EPD & PPD results differ much – how much? when exceeding certain level of annual dose – how much? 2018-04-10
Dosimetry More choices than Mirion (DMC) and Thermo’s EPD:s? Software / database for dose record ESS could use? For passive doses Linkable to access system (DosiServ with DMC also for passive dose record?) 2018-04-10
6.2 Roles & Responsibilities – RP Group Archives documentation on approval of dosimetry service providers by SSM. Have RP veto to stop work if approval is not current. Will write Radiation Protection Reports to Authorities. Approves requests for dosimeters (ESS RP 601–602) and provides a local dosimetry service at ESS. Approves dosimetry for visitors (ESS RP 603). All dosimeters will be maintained, calibrated and assigned by RP group. Maintains and provides EPDs for emergency operations. Maintains the ESS Radiation Dose Records Database. Reports doses to ESS radiation workers and visitors (non-ESS staff). Keeps all Radiation Dose Passbooks and issue them to the individual during the defined period of travel. Finalises reporting of exposure investigations and decide on follow-up actions with relevance to Radiation Protection. I’ve changed the order of points /Ida 2018-04-06 2018-04-10
6.2 Roles & Responsibilities – RPS Controls that the personal dosimetry follows the specific rules as set out in a RWP, e.g. specific rules will be described in the permit on how often the doses should be read. Gives advice on dosimetry for extremities during work planning. Initiate request (ESS RP 602) to RP group. Performs an audit on personnel, working within the area of responsibility of the RPS, for control of appropriate type and application of personal dosimetry. Ensure that the dosimeters are regularly collected for exchange (RP will provide the new dosimeters). Reports to the Radiation protection group (Dosimetry service) when a dosimeter is lost, damaged, or contaminated, if unexpected high dose occurs (EPD), if the dosimeters have accidentally been exposed to other radiation sources. Collect information for an exposure investigation for instances of a lost, damaged, or contaminated dosimeter. other discrepant dosimeter readings. Audit -> spot-check? /Ida 2018-04-06 2018-04-10
What is left to do Link dosimetry to access control system and to Personnel Safety System. Decide if dosimetry is required in Supervised areas. (This has been recommended by RPE). Ask for dose passbooks from SSM (only possible after we have registered radiation workers). Find a suitable way to handle and archive dosimetry data that complies with GDPR. Find a legal and practical way to inform non-ESS staff of dose (from ESS visit). Link dosimetry to emergency preparedness. Practical implementation with wall mounted racks, exchange of PPD, request forms etc. 2018-04-10
Thank you! 2018-04-10