Children’s Mental Health Services in Shasta County
My child needs help. How can I find it? Shasta County has numerous mental health services for children, both through the County and through community providers Sometimes services can feel hard to find, especially when it’s your first time seeking them We can help you navigate your way to the services you need
Shasta County services Call 225-5252 and ask for children’s mental health OR Go to Click on “Mental Wellness” Click on “Children’s Mental Health”
HHSA youth services brochure
To find other community services 2-1-1 This was a highly valuable resource during the fires Phone: 2-1-1 OR Text your ZIP code to 898211 Website: Select “Youth” or “Mental Health”
From the main 2-1-1 page:
Why 2-1-1? It’s a comprehensive, one-stop referral service to help you find community resources Business cards and flyers can be delivered to you – just email If you notice that a resource isn’t there, go to and follow the simple instructions
Thank you… … for helping connect our community with vital services.