5th Grade Field Trip Islands of Adventure, Orlando March 21st, 2019
General Information Bus Departs: 6:00 a.m. SHARP on Thursday, March 21st from Somerset Academy. Your child must be here no later than 5:30 a.m. All Parents and Chaperones need to come in through Somerset Way. We will arrive back at Somerset Academy between 10:30-11:00 p.m. on Thursday evening. Please come in through Somerset Way! Please be prompt to pick up your child and do not park in the circle. We will call parents if we expect to be early or late.
Itinerary 5:30 a.m. Students and Chaperones arrive 6:00 a.m. Depart from Somerset Academy 10:00 a.m. Arrival at Universal Studios 6:30 p.m. Meet at Islands of Adventure Tower (Entrance) 7:00 p.m. Depart Universal Studios 10:30-11:00 p.m. Arrive at Somerset Academy
Dress Code No Flip Flops!!! Comfortable walking shoes and sneakers are recommended. Tie Dye Spirit Shirts with shorts or jeans. They can wear bathing suits under their spirit shirt for the water rides, but they must wear their Tie Dye Spirit Shirts all day while at the park. Any additional clothing: jackets, ponchos, etc. should be brought at your discretion. Please note students are responsible for their own belongings. Bring an extra set of clothes to change for the ride home. Pillows and blankets are allowed for the bus ride. Towels, sunglasses, caps and sunblock are highly recommended.
Snacks on the Bus NO gum on the bus. Students and Chaperones MAY NOT eat on the bus. Capped water bottles are allowed. Coffee in disposable cups will not be allowed on the bus. The buses will be stopping at a rest stop for a bathroom and snack break. Students need to bring a snack to eat at the rest stop. Neither students nor chaperones will have the time to wait in the lines for food.
Electronics Students may bring their electronics (IPODS, Nintendo DS, Cameras, cell phones, etc.) on the bus; ONLY cellphones and cameras can be taken into the park. We will ask that the bus remain locked while we are in the park. However, Somerset Academy, the teachers, and the staff are NOT responsible if these items are lost or stolen. Please make sure names are on all items brought on the trip. We will be watching PG movies on the bus, students please bring them for the ride. We encourage it!
Remember you are representing Somerset Academy!!! Behavior Students may not change seats on the bus or change groups at the park. Groups are assigned by each teacher and all students must remain with their assigned chaperone. Excellent behavior and respect for chaperones and fellow students is expected. Referrals for poor conduct can be written. Students may be “benched” for unsatisfactory behavior. This means that they will not be allowed to partake in rides or events. Students must conduct themselves in a quiet and respectful manner as there are other guests in addition to our Panthers at the park. NO CUTTING IN LINE! If two groups of students want to meet up, then the group ahead has to move to the back of the line. No exceptions. If you lose your chaperone please find a security or a Universal employee at a shop and they will notify your teacher. Remember you are representing Somerset Academy!!!
Food / Money One meal voucher is included for the day, however we depart at 6:00 a.m. and your child will not have the opportunity to eat until we arrive at Universal (10:00 a.m.). Please provide a snack for your child to eat at the rest stop. Students should have additional money for snacks and food in the park. There will be many opportunities for your 5th grader to purchase souvenirs. Souvenir money is optional. Students are responsible for their own money.
Chaperones Chaperones should be with the students at all times. Since we had the opportunity of taking more chaperones, some chaperones will only be assigned their own child. Chaperones may join together to form their own groups. Chaperones do not have to ride on roller coasters, but they must wait in line with students. There is always an exit at the end of the line. Chaperones must not consume any alcoholic beverages. Please make sure the students you chaperone eat and drink water during the day and most importantly eat before leaving the park. Do not bring food back to the bus. Please do not lend students money. Please share your cell phone number with the students assigned in your group.
Parking There are NO available parking spaces for chaperones. All chaperones must be dropped off the morning of the trip and picked up at school once we arrive. We are very sorry for the inconvenience.
5th Grade Trip Islands of Adventure Universal, Orlando Return by Thursday, March 14th! Please sign this form and return to your child’s teacher. _____________________________ Student name _____________________________________________ Parent Signature