Japan’s proposal for EPPR-11-15e-Rev.1 7/Oct/ 2016 JAPAN AUTOMOBILE STANDARDS INTERNATIONALIZATION CENTER http://www.jasic.org
Proposals for revising GTR2 Based on EURO5 (already agreed at the TeleConference on 1 September) EPPR11-15e-Rev.1(EC) is based on EURO5. There are small differences in test method of EURO4 and EURO5. (The only differences are NMHC and the limit values. ) EC, India, and Japan are respectively discussing the EURO 5 emission level which will be introduced from 2020. With the reasons above, Japan supports to take EURO5 as a basis to revise GTR2. The scope of the revised GTR2 to be PI and CI engine of Category 3-1 vehicle and Category 3-3 vehicle (defined in S.R.1) as the start. The scope of current GTR2 is Category 3-3 vehicle, and Japan accepts the EC proposal to extend the scope to PI and CI engine of Category 3-1 vehicle and Category 3-3 vehicle. *Hybrid, EV, Gas engine will be considered later (in the future amendment). Define Category 3-1 vehicle as Class 0 in the vehicle sub-classification.
Emission regulation schedule in each CP (and in some Asian economies for reference) The blue part shows the timing to introduce EURO5 level regulation.