Internet2: building the Internet of the future for academia today This is a general overview presentation about Internet2. Internet2 is a consortium, led by US universities, which is recreating the partnership among academia, industry and government that fostered today’s Internet in its infancy. Douglas E. Van Houweling President and CEO, UCAID “Ciencia, Cultura y Educación sobre Internet2” 6 de Abril de 2001 Val Paraíso, Chile
Background Internet2 project formed in 1996 by 34 U.S. universities Current members: 185 U.S. universities 70+ for-profit corporations 30+ not-for-profit organizations In close partnership with: U.S. government 30+ national networking organizations of other countries University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development (UCAID) is the non-profit corporate home of the Internet2 project 5/9/2019
Internet2 Goals Enable new generation of applications Re-create leading edge R&E network capability Ensure the rapid transfer of new network services and applications to the global Internet These are the three primary goals of Internet2. 5/9/2019
Internet2 Focus Areas Advanced Applications Middleware Engineering Advanced Network Infrastructure Partnerships These are the five areas that Internet2, Internet2 members, and partner organizations are focused on. 5/9/2019
Yesterday’s Internet Thousands of users Remote login, file transfer Interconnect mainframe computers Applications capitalize on underlying technology These are some important characteristics of the Internet during its pre-commercial development. 5/9/2019
Today’s Internet Millions of users Web, email, low-quality audio & video Interconnect personal computers and servers Applications adapt to underlying technology Since commercialization in 1994, key characteristics of the Internet have changed: the size of the network and the capacity applications require support beyond the original design parameters of the underlying technologies. 5/9/2019
Tomorrow’s Internet Billions of users and devices Convergence of today’s applications with multimedia (telephony, video-conference, HDTV) Interconnect personal computers, servers, and embedded computers New technologies enable unanticipated applications (and create new challenges) Tomorrow’s Internet promises even more demands: many more users and even more demanding applications. New capabilities must be developed to realize the potential of tomorrow’s Internet. 5/9/2019
Directions – Applications The focus is swinging to high performance applications….. Collaboration Remote Access Very Large Scale Systems The challenge is scaling and propagating the examples 5/9/2019
Virtual Laboratories Real-time access to remote instruments University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Distributed nanoManipulator This is an application which allows remote control of an electron microscope that can actually move molecules around. The application also provides “force feed-back” to the remote operator. 5/9/2019
Virtual Laboratories Mauna Kea Observatories AURA University of Hawaii Here are pictures of various applications already in use: 1) the Upper Atmosphere research Collaboratory (UARC) developed at the University of Michigan--allows researchers access to data from instruments in Greenland w/o having to travel there, and allows them to discuss and interact in real time. This applications allows access to broader audience, including the second-order affect of enabling graduate students (who would never have been able to go to Greenland) to look in on research. 2&3) Pictures of a the output from a scanning electron microscope--allows access to expensive, specialized equipment by students--allows them to control in the microscope and see the output as if they were in the same room --These both require advanced network capabilities to work--either don’t work, or won’t work well on today’s internet. 5/9/2019
Tele-cubicles and the CAVE Tele-cubicles and CAVEs are different interfaces used for some advanced applications. Immersion in a virtual world, or interaction among people using these interfaces allows people to interact with applications in new ways. The requirements of network applications using these kinds of displays generally require advanced networking. 5/9/2019 Source: University of Illinois-Chicago
Middleware A layer of software between the network and the applications Authentication Identification Authorization Directories Security Middleware is a layer of software between the network and applicaitons 5/9/2019
Internet2 Middleware Initiative Internet2 community has unique needs and capabilities Middleware Architecture Committee for Education Early Harvest and Early Adopters Internet2 PKI Labs Shibboleth (authentication) Computational middleware (Beta Grid) Medical middleware Directories The commercial development of middleware has lagged. These are some of the activities and work underway within the Internet2 community. 5/9/2019
Directions -- Middleware The Internet2 community has responded Our architects have come together Our institutions have begun to invest Our corporate partners have engaged Distributed authentication Distributed directory 3rd Quarter 2001 the world begins to change 5/9/2019
Engineering Quality of Service: QBone Scalable IP Multicast IPv6 Network Security Network Management Measurement These are some of the new network capabilities that advanced networks will need to implement and which the Internet2 community is working on. 5/9/2019
Internet2 Network Infrastructure Backbones operate at 2.4 Gbps (OC48) capacity today GigaPoPs provide regional high-performance aggregation points Local campus networks provide 100 Mbps to the desktop This is a broad generalization of the Internet2 network infrastructure. 5/9/2019
Internet2 Interconnect Network Architecture Internet2 Interconnect Cloud GigaPoP One Regional Network University C Commercial Internet Connections University B University A This diagram illustrates a possible ways universities access the high-performance and commercial networks 5/9/2019
Internet2 Backbone Networks This is an illustration of the (currently) two Internet2 backbone networks, the vBNS developed by MCI Worldcom and the National Science Foundation and Abilene, developed by the University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development, Qwest, Cisco and Indiana University. Donna Cox, Robert Patterson, NCSA 5/9/2019
Directions – Network of the Future Abilene and the vBNS+ have delivered high performance backbone service The connectors are maturing and sharing knowledge We need to respond to the wavelength opportunity Our partners in Canada and Europe are committed The flexibility will be crucial to our future 5/9/2019
Directions – End to End Performance When it’s built, can it deliver? The negative feedback loop Ensure that the infrastructure is delivering to its full potential The community has spoken Design Team has delivered 5/9/2019
Directions – Extending Access How should we extend our capabilities? Abilene use opened to individual and groups of ‘Sponsored Participants’ Primary and secondary schools Museums Libraries Etc. 5/9/2019
Internet2 Corporate Partners 3Com Advanced Network & Services Alcatel Ameritech AT&T Cabletron Systems Cisco Systems IBM ITC^Deltacom Lucent Technologies Marconi WorldCom Microsoft Newbridge Networks Netcom Systems Nortel Networks Qwest Communications SBC Communications WCI Cable This is the latest list of Internet2 Corporate Partners. Corporate partners have committed to providing over US$1million in support of collaborations with Internet2 universities. 5/9/2019
Directions – Corporate Activities New opportunities Content Start-Ups Project-based interaction Increased focus on deploying standards More effort devoted to building the relationships 5/9/2019
Directions – international Research increasingly dependent upon international collaboration Teaching and and learning increasingly looking for international collaboration With partners in other countries, support international high performance networking needs Ensure continued global interoperability of new networking technologies 5/9/2019
Internet Development Spiral Commercialization Privatization Today’s Internet As this diagram shows, we expect Internet2 to continue to support the partnerships that help new technologies and capabilities move from the research and development phase into commercial deployment. As further cycles of innovation and technology develop, Internet2 will continue to play this role. Internet2 Research and Development Partnerships 5/9/2019 Source: Ivan Moura Campos
Directions – Our Message We stand with colleagues across the world in a vision of an open, innovative, high performance Internet 5/9/2019