Chapter 1 Describe the layer of the protocol stack. Explain the services at each layer. Give an example of a protocol that runs are each layer. ISPs tier-n PoP Multiplexing Give formulas for the number of users Pros and cons Delay and utilization for statistical multiplexing Types of delay and basic networking math E.g., number of bits in a fiber
applications TCP vs UDP Very basic knowledge of DNS P2P Why TCP over UDP Very basic knowledge of http Smtp ftp DNS P2P Prove the time to transfer a file Give schedule Flooding schemes Hierarchical schemes
Transport layer Go-back-N ports TCP Connection establishment SYN attack Progression of cwnd Timing diagrams Slow start Timeout Congestion avoidance RTO and RTT Sequence numbers, triple dup ack Throughput = 1.2 / ( RTT * sqrt(loss prob))
routing Prefixes and subnets Link state vs distance vector Link weights Dijastra OSPF Described how OSPF knows if a link is “up” Demonstrate how do routers learn about the state of links not attached to it? Distance vector Algorithm Count to infinity Poison reverse NAT
MAC What does ARP do? Aloha vs slotted aloha CSMA Self-learning Show give proof of performance describe vulnerability periods CSMA p-persistent - why CSMA/CD details Exponential backoff, Collision detection Self-learning hubs, vs switches, vs routers