International Trade Center KHORGOS International Trade Center
KHORGOS ITC Prior to being a building, The International trade center gathers business and governmental representatives, offers trading services and activates the regions’ economies. The International Trade Center brings all the global business services together and offers a way to access all services, organizations and inspiring individuals.
KHORGOS ITC WAREHOUSES & DISTRIBUTION POINTS Related to the expected trading amount in this region, warehouse and distribution points capable of storing, loading and delivering goods will be set up.
KHORGOS ITC EXHIBITION CENTERS Exhibitions are the means of communication between the businesspeople, business experts, industrialists and researchers worldwide. Exhibitions are not only held in order to present products and discuss business, but to share the latest information in terms of competitive worldwide prices, quality standards, industrial improvements, scientific achievements and economic or technologic ideas. This will be done to present, visit and test product samples, in order to facilitate the business people’s decision- making processes, and the booths will be in hands of the companies and countries’ official representatives.
KHORGOS ITC DEPARTMENT STORE In fact, department stores are wholesalers which take care of the consumers’ personal and local problems; providing them with a vast number of products; additionally, offering them a variety of goods of different types. A variety of products is sold at these stores, such as clothing, cosmetics, furniture, home appliances, toys, sanitary products and even painting tools, as well as groceries, books, jewelry and photography accessories. Well-known department stores are part of the chain of retailers, which do not prevent them from working…
BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE KHORGOS ITC BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE PORTAL Setting up this online system: Simplifies calculations and boosts their speed Improves Communications and cooperation Increases efficiency Makes data management possible and improves it Increases availability Therefore, using real-time data observation on stock, real-time price, transportation and delivery conditions in terms of time and place, it will be possible to submit orders, sign contracts and conduct transactions.
Social Business Network KHORGOS ITC Providers Social Business Network A new generation of social networks in virtual space, which conducts business interactions on the web SOCIAL BUSINESS NETWORK Network Platform Consumers
KHORGOS ITC SOCIAL BUSINESS NETWORK This network is able to provide all kinds of relationships between businesspeople, brands, stores, retailers, consumers and financiers of all the region, which leads to economic improvement and a platform to do safe business, in a clear, hopeful environment.
KHORGOS ITC BANKS’ BRANCHES COMMUNITY In this consortium, it is possible for the customer to stop the money transfer to the seller until the final confirmation. This will lead to safety and reliability in transactions, and no need of foreign exchanging. In this center, the strongest banks will participate.
KHORGOS ITC CONSULTANT This center is established to offer consultations about marketing, sales, international trading, market research and business planning to businesspeople and manufacturers, to attract traders to this area, by increasing business profits. By this service being offered, the members’ success in the first years will be guaranteed and advertise this area as one of the best.
GROW YOUR MARKET KHORGOS ITC REGIONAL MARKETS Here the countries and major businesses are given the opportunity to provide themselves with a platform to show their abilities in business on, by investing as well as starting their own markets. This freedom attracts more countries to do business in this area based on their economy and culture, and furthermore, will lead to more and better development of the area.
COMMERCIAL NEGOTIATIONS KHORGOS ITC CENTRAL BUILDING OF COMMERCIAL NEGOTIATIONS This building provides an environment to discuss business between countries, brands, manufacturers and businesspeople, having 2 main departments related to medium-sized and large businesses.
LEARNING KHORGOS ITC is EDUCATIONAL CENTERS the KEY This center trains the trading, marketing, sales, e-commerce and management experts for the future of Kazakhstan, and also can develop tourism by offering special courses to train tour leaders.
BRING THE WORLD TOGETHER KHORGOS ITC TOURIST AREA Most tourists are interested in climate, culture and nature more than anything. The rich have always traveled to see landmarks, learn new languages, and taste amazing dishes. Organized Tourism is a major industry around the world. Tourism is important because of high income and the new jobs being created. More examples are: Virtual Tourism Health Tourism Leisure Tourism Winter Tourism Mass Tourism Business Tourism Educational Tourism
PLANNING FUTURE Determination of the Products’ Types KHORGOS ITC Determination of the Products’ Types Determination of the Amount and Demands Production Planning Transportation Planning PLANNING CENTER PLANNING THE FUTURE According to the information from the various parts of this area, this center could Make it possible to plan investments in production and transportation, to determine the required products and the amount of demands.
KHORGOS ITC ADVERTISING ADVOCACY BRANDING MARKETING AGENCIES Considering the presence of traders, manufacturers and brands here, we will be able to provide a competitive and attractive platform for everyone, by establishing a professional center of marketing, branding, advertising and culture building.
INTERNATIONAL TRADE CENTER THCHNICAL SERVICES KHORGOS ITC INTERNATIONAL TRADE CENTER OF THCHNICAL SERVICES THCHNICAL SERVICES Considering the countries’ abilities and needs of technical services, it is possible to import and export these services with experts from other countries.
STRATEGY AND POLICY PLANNING KHORGOS ITC IMPOSING RULES STRATEGY AND POLICY PLANNING Considering the business activities in this area, special rules are imposed to govern this area well.