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Presentation transcript:


2014 PROJECT TITTLE PROJECT TITLE IMPROVING ACCESS TO SAFE WATER, HYGIENE AND RESILIENCE FOR PASTORAL COMMUNITIES IN SOOL AND SANAG REGIONS. DURATION: 6 Months Start & End Dates: 1st of July 2015 to 31st of December 2015 Target Beneficiaries: 23,500 Individuals. Gender Categories Targeted: Children (Boys, Girls), Women, Men.

PROJECT OVERVIEW The project activities implemented compromised of the following components: WATER INFRASTRUCURES. Borehole drilling and equipment. Rehabilitation of non-functioning boreholes. Excavation of New Catchments. Rehabilitation of Existing Catchments. Rehabilitation of productive Shallow wells. 2. SANITATION AND HYGIENE EDUCATION TRAININGS. 3. LIVELIHOOD CASH-FOR-WORK INTERVENTIONS.

PROJECT OBJECTIVES To increase vulnerable target beneficiaries access to safe reliable water services. To promote hygiene and sanitation good practice amongst the vulnerable target groups. To provide target disaster affected families with an alternative source of income through labour intensive cash-for-work. To establish locally managed and sustainable system for drinking water infrastructures. To improve livelihood coping strategy of target beneficiaries under humanitarian crisis and are food insecure. To prevent and mitigate water and hygiene related diseases. Improve vulnerable target household purchasing power.

KEY PROBLEMS ADDRESSED Vulnerable HHs under deplorable and dilapidated humanitarian situations without water and essential household needs. Persistent water scarcity. Increased livelihood uncertainties amongst poor target households. Recurrent disasters thrashing vulnerable coping strategy and gains achieved. Outbreak of human contagious water and hygiene related diseases. Poor household ability to purchase food and water. Food insecurity and humanitarian shocks.

PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION STRATEY/APPROACH APPLIED Beneficiaries identified, mobilized and sensitized. Coordinated with other humanitarian agencies to avoid resource overlap. Women and children involved and participated in the implementation and decision making of the project. Child Protection and Don No Harm Approach applied. Beneficiaries properly selected and registered using clear criteria. Project activities constantly and continuously supervised, monitored and evaluated using compatible humanitarian standard M&E tools. Project progress, programmatic and financial reports documented. Baseline..Midline and Endline Project progress undertaken by NPA through hired consultant firm. KAP Survey conducted. Women in involved in the water management committees and decision making organ. GPS coordinates, photographs and other parameters of the project activities collected.

BENEFICIARY SELECTION CRITERIA Households affected by disasters (drought & conflict). Households with no other source of income. Household whose livestock ravaged by droughts. Divorced and Women headed households. Child headed households. Elderly persons and people with disability. Household under huge debt. Household with difficult access to water and food. Household with an average monthly income of 50USD. Households with less than 10 Livestock. Household under humanitarian emergency. Vulnerable host communities with especial humanitarian needs.

PROJECT IMPLEMENTED YEAR 2014 1. Improving Access to Safe Water, Hygiene and Resilience for Pastoral Communities. # Activity Description Locations Region District Beneficiaries GPS Coordinates 1 Drilled and Equipped One (1) Borehole. Godalo Sool TALEH 6,500 N: 9.090852 E: 47.922241 2 Rehabilitated 2 Two Non-functioning Boreholes. Awrbogeys HUDUN 2,650 N: 9.09143 E: 47.28761 Tukaraq SooL LASANOD 1,950 N: 8.540640 E: 47.79136 3 Excavated 2 strategic New water catchments. Bodcade SANAG ERIGAVO 2,100 N: 9.53168 E: 47.40168 Canjid SOOL 1,800 N: 8.524654 E: 47.32035

Cont………………………………… Cont……………… # Activity Description Locations Region District Beneficiaries GPS Coordinates 1 Rehabilitated 2 Two Water Catchments Higlo Sool LASANOD 2,650 N: 8.55348 E: 47.71201 Lasacurdin SooL TALEEX 1,490 N: 9.231612 E: 47.845051 2 Rehabilitated and Protected of 2 Shallow Wells. Godgabobe 2,850 N: 8.5358447 E: 47.8276685 Dubuqdubuq 1,450 N: 08.86732 E: 47.705143 3 Two (2) PHAST Training undertaken Godalo TALEH 30 N: 9.090852 E: 47.922241 LasAnod N: 8.47537475 E:47.3544089 Cont………………

Project Outputs One (1) drilled and equipped in Godalo. Two (2) Non-functioning boreholes were repaired in Awrbogeys and Tukaraq respectively. Two (2) New water catchments were excavated in Bodcade and Canjid villages. Two (2) water catchments were rehabilitated in Lasacurdin and Higlo Villages. Two (2) PHAST Trainings were conducted in LasAnod and Godalo villages.

Project Impact Price of water significantly reduced in target areas due to water access. Water availability attracted new migration/settlements. Local foods availability improved. Purchasing power of vulnerable targeted household improved. Prevalence of water and sanitation related diseases reduced by 20%. Small irrigation started around water points. Risk related to water collection for women and children reduced.

Overall Results Improved access to safe reliable water services for 23,500 Vulnerable Households in Sool and Sanaag Regions. Improved targeted communities Livelihood and Food Security through labour intensive cash for work program. Enhanced hygiene and Sanitation knowledge, attitude and practice of the targeted communities through hygiene related capacity building trainings. Vulnerable IDPs and destitute host communities under deplorable conditions resilience strengthened. Water accessibility within target areas enhanced. A significant improvement in terms of quality and quantity of water consumptions realized in almost all the targeted communities/villages. Chronic poverty and hunger reduced. We have also followed the humanitarian minimum standards in place to ensure that our interventions is effective and gender responsive. Community capacity towards self-reliance and food security improved. Reduce high level morbidity and mortality.

Challenges Faced Complex/Hostile political environment. Limited number of borehole drilling firms. High rate of unemployment amongst youth. Recurrent droughts. Limited Subscription of humanitarian agencies in the area. Limited financial resource compared to the needs. Conflict of interest from local administration and line-ministries.

Godalo Borehole Photos

Rehabilitated Shallow Wells.

Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation training (PHAST)

Excavated and Rehabilitated Water Catchments

“Together we can do more”

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