Deng is looking to buy a mobile phone. He sees one in a catalogue which says it costs $50 per month and he gets $350 worth of credit. Wow! CAP $350 CALLS Credit Calls overseas
Deng goes to the phone store. He tells the salesman Gerry that he saw a phone in their catalogue which he would like to buy. Gerry starts talking to him about the mobile and all of the things that it does. Deng is very confused and just wants to buy the mobile.
Deng buys the mobile and rings everyone to talk to them. He rings his family overseas every day and talks to them for a long time.
ONE MONTH LATER Deng gets his mobile bill. It is for a lot of money. He is very confused as he thought it was going to cost him only $50 per month.
Deng goes to the store to talk to Gerry about why his account is so high. Gerry says you went over your cap and you now have to pay all of the money. Deng is even more confused. He does not understand. Gerry says he agreed to buy the mobile on this plan and he just has to pay.
Deng is very sad. He knows he cannot make any calls on his mobile or it will cost him a lot of money.
What should Deng have done? Deng should not have signed the contract if he didnt understand. Deng should have also told the salesperson he did not understand and asked questions. He should have said NO to the salesperson if he didnt understand. He should have gone away and thought about what he wanted to buy. He should have asked someone to help him.