Summer 2016 Affiliate Meeting August 25, 2016
61st Annual Meeting Premier Speakers Leadership Workshop
Georgia Nurse-Midwives Recognized Nationally Denise McLaughlin ACNM Fellow Distinguished Service Award Kim Baraona Excellence in Teaching Award Kate Woeber Jenny Foster Region III Representative for Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee Andrew Youmans Student Representative Georgia Nurse-Midwives Recognized Nationally
Treasurer’s Report Kaprice Welsh, CNM 2016 January February March April May June July August Income/Deposits/Credits Checking Acct ACNM Dues Reimb 837.50 1,331.25 1448.26 1258.65 916.35 1056.87 1163.74 1048.95 Biz Checking Acct 50 Square Sales 303.9 114.73 14.59 SQUARE TFR to BIZ CHKG Cozi Sales (Cash) Eileen 150 PROFIT: $387.22 Biz Checking Acct Balance 36 619.22 Checking Balance 39,410.36 38,260.61 39,198 37,271,85 35,471.47 31.962.05 31,164.15 31,388.69 Expenses Biz Acct Bank Fee 14 Expenses Checking Opened Biz Acct Bank Card Fees 109.77 Gifts 190 Catering for Meeting SQARE Purchase 10.14 Discount Mugs; Honey, Cozi, coffee sleeve 196 Ga Sec of State 30 CAPN Support 5000 GNA Affiliate membership 500 ACNM Midwives-PAC fall fundraising challenge 260 ACNM Midwives PAC dues 2000 GA Affiliate Exec Board Mtg (Savannah-Eileen Thrower, A. Dunne, J Ellis; Dinner & Lodging 480 789 Annual MTG Exec Comm Dinner with Joyce King Dinner (chk 1070 5/25 200 American college of nurse midwives/Affil dues 400 375 2017 ACNM annual Mtg Exhibit space dep. Survey Monkey Membership NPR Radio Spot/Health Fair 1500 2,500 Student Leaders Dues 166 Health Fair Entry Fee 125 Exhibit at the OB/GYN Society Conference 675 HostGator Domain Name 27.95 79.94 ARC Comm. WEB DESIGN 1000 Totals 2481 510 9,110 2,820.14 452.95 1189.71 Treasurer’s Report Kaprice Welsh, CNM
Plan to participate with APRN of the Day at the capitol 2017 Partnering with Georgia Coalition of Advanced Practice Nurses & GNA APRN Roundtable Plan to participate with APRN of the Day at the capitol 2017 Legislative advocacy presentation at October Affiliate meeting Legislative Updates Eileen Thrower, CNM
Jenny Foster, CNM, MPH, PhD, FACNM National Updates Jenny Foster, CNM, MPH, PhD, FACNM Congratulations and Welcome Jenny!
Home Birth Panel Yvonne Green, CNM – Moderator Meka Hall, CNM Debbie Pulley, CPM Linda Segal, CNM Christine Taylor, CNM Georganna Wiley, CNM
Next Meeting October 18, 2016 Kennesaw State University See you there!