Your seats have been chosen – find your tags Your seats have been chosen – find your tags. If there is a problem with your seat unbeknownst to me, come and find me privately and we will talk. Copy down your assignments – get your assignment book signatures ready to show me. MAKE YOUR LUNCH COUNT AND MAKE IT LEGIBLY Get your Monday folders signed!!!!! The book fair is ALL THIS WEEK. Doughnuts for Dad tomorrow @ 7:30 AM. This is THE LAST WEEK OF GRADES BEFORE REPORT CARDS. Where do your grades stand? Do you have any papers that need a CSR? Monday, October 1
RW (M): How does an author’s life affect what they write? Opening: If you wrote a story RIGHT NOW, what would the title be? Work period: read the Jack London biography. Create a tree map of three character traits you feel Jack London displayed throughout his life. Under these traits, provide at LEAST TWO strong, specific defenses from the text SUPPORTING these traits. Closing: Thoughts on Jack?
WW (M): What are the steps to writing an effective, informative biography? Opening: What IS a biography? If someone were writing about YOUR life, what would you want them to make sure they included about you? Work Period: Martin’s Big Words What are points you notice the author did to make the biography enticing to the reader? What are points YOU can take from the book and apply to YOUR biography? Anchor Chart Brainstorm – Who are famous people on whom you would like to write a biography? Closing: Share out
Math (M): How do you simplify an algebraic expression? Opening: 6x+2y x= -3 and y=5 6x(squared) – 3(y+2) + 8 x= -2 and y = 4 “What You Learned Before” Finish/Discuss Work Period: pg 58, 59 Closing: Discuss
Science (M): Identify and examine the various aspects of matter. Opening: Nature walk – observations in journal: 5 senses Work period: Read 2.1 in books. AS WE READ – create a bubble/flow map of matter – TAKE UP TWO PAGES IN JOURNALS – COMPLETE TOGETHER Read, define, and discuss each term as we go Closing: Questions, comprehension, grade
Tuesday, October 2 Same seats as yesterday. Copy down your assignments Get your Monday folder signatures ready to show me! MAKE YOUR LUNCH COUNT AND MAKE IT LEGIBLY Anything to be passed out today? WORK ON AND STUDY FOR YOUR SPELLING TEST – and do it in a way that will prepare you for the “tough” version. IT WILL BE ON THURSDAY AGAIN THIS WEEK!!!!!
RW (T): What is the importance of reading about/learning about people of the past? How, as readers, do we do this? Opening: What category is a biography? What strategies, as readers, do we need to use? Discuss. Work period: Read “Call of Wild” – TAKE NOTES AS YOU READ. Be an ACTIVE READER!!!! Upon the completion of reading, answer the following questions ON NOTEBOOK PAPER with HEADING: Define Buck’s influence on the pack – INCLUDE SPECIFIC TEXT EVIDENCE. “His lash was always singing among the dogs” (paragraph 2) – what is this telling us? Paragraph 4 has a connection to paragraph 3: what is it? EXPLAIN. Paragraph 5 has a connection to paragraph 3: what is it? EXPLAIN. Last sentence refers to “dead matter” – what does that mean? Compare/contrast Buck to Jack using a Venn diagram OR double-bubble map – INCLUDE TEXT EVIDENCE. Choose THREE vocab words whose meaning you did not know – BOLD OR OTHERWISE – and explain the context clues you used and the meaning you inferred. Closing: Share/Discuss “He did die at 40, but he packed more living into those 40 years than most people do into 80 years, seeing five of the world’s seven continents,” Buchanan said
WW (T): I will effectively investigate and collect information regarding my chosen person. Opening: Sixteen Years in Sixteen Seconds What can we apply to OUR biographies from this biography? Work Period: Research our people Create outlines for necessary research Take notes Closing: Share and discuss What worked/what do we still need/questions we still have
Math (T): What is the difference between terms and like terms? Opening: (with white boards): prop/pre-algebra-ditributive-property/v/the-distributive-property Work Period: 3.1 Lesson, pg 60, 61 “On Your Own:” 1-6/7-9/10 Grade, formative Closing: Questions, discussion
Sci (T): We will compare and contrast the different changes under which matter can undergo. Read lesson 1 Complete lesson 1 review on notebook paper!!! Opening: Review the different properties of matter (Monday’s notes). *notes, formative Work Period: Create a brace map (journals) of the changes in matter while reading Ch. 2, lesson 2 together. *brace map, formative Closing: Observation walk, completing chart Observation: Chemical Change: Physical Change:
Wednesday, October 3 Same seats as yesterday. Muffins for Mom tomorrow @ 7:30 AM Copy down your assignments MAKE YOUR LUNCH COUNT AND MAKE IT LEGIBLY Anything to be passed out today? WORK ON AND STUDY FOR YOUR SPELLING TEST – and do it in a way that will prepare you for the “tough” version ON THURSDAY.
RW (W): As a reader, I will conjecture and defend my thoughts in response to the text. Opening: Read Henry’s Freedom Box Work Period: Look at this week’s reading/questions: Complete any incomplete reading/questions from this week – Riki Tikki, etc. Discuss – what have you discovered/learned/connected to? Questions – what are you still wondering? What has your reading LED you to wonder? Connections – what have you had in common with what you have read? Time left? READ of your OWN CHOICE!!!!!!
WW (W): I will effectively investigate and collect information regarding my chosen person. Opening: Henry’s Freedom Box What can we apply to OUR biographies from this biography? Work Period: Research our people Create outlines for necessary research Take notes Closing: Share and discuss What worked/what do we still need/questions we still have
Math (W): How do I apply the distributive and cumulative properties as I simplify expressions? Opening: Commutative Law (white boards/dry erase) prop/pre-algebra-arithmetic-properties/v/commutative-law-of-addition Work Period: 3.1 Activity, pg 62, 63 INDEPENDENT, notebook paper, summative grade Closing: Grade – questions, discuss, share out How do I apply the distributive and cumulative properties as I simplify expressions?
Social Studies (W): Why in the world did crazy Mrs Social Studies (W): Why in the world did crazy Mrs. C have us bring in lint? Opening: Check each other’s tags on our shirts – RESPECTFULLY. Write down the materials from which the shirts are made. Create a class bar graph – copies in our SS journals – charting the materials Work period: Read the following article on your laptop: Answer the following questions on notebook paper (formative): Define MICROPLASTIC pollution. Create a flow chart with at least 4 “boxes” summarizing the problem – THREE SENTENCES EACH What are YOU doing to help the problem … you may have to say nothing. Choose 1 graph to interpret – graph name and explanation. If one family does 5 loads of laundry/week, how many fibers does that contribute? Explain with TEXT EVIDENCE and FIBER TYPE. We live far from the ocean … what in the world does this have to do with us??? Closing: So … why LINT? “Too often, an environmentally conscious consumer is an affluent consumer. We can’t expect everyone to go out and purchase stainless steel straws or all-glass water bottles.”
Same seats as yesterday Same seats as yesterday. Copy down your assignments MAKE YOUR LUNCH COUNT AND MAKE IT LEGIBLY Anything to be passed out today? WORK ON AND STUDY FOR YOUR SPELLING TEST – and do it in a way that will prepare you for the “tough” version YOU WILL BE HAVING TODAY. NEXT WEEK – bring your OWN book you are reading at home. You will be working with this in RW all week! Thursday, October 4
Math (W): How do I apply the distributive and cumulative properties as I simplify expressions? Opening: Commutative Law (white boards/dry erase) prop/pre-algebra-arithmetic-properties/v/commutative-law-of-addition Work Period: 3.1 Activity, pg 62, 63 INDEPENDENT, notebook paper, summative grade Closing: Grade – questions, discuss, share out How do I apply the distributive and cumulative properties as I simplify expressions?
LEARNING STATIONS, Thursday, OCTOBER 4: Together: RW: Spelling Test – take/grade Math: Wednesday’s Math lesson review Science: Scientific Method – discuss steps Stations: Station 1: (Sci): “Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions” – work together as a group, following the directions and completing the SCIENTIFIC METHOD in your science journal as you go. Then answer the questions in your science journal as well. Finished? Continue working on yesterday’s SS article/questions (printed out) Station 2: Research station/AR station/read station Station 3: (Math): 3.1 Activity, pg 62, 63, #5- …. Finished? Read/AR, work on incomplete work