Aim: How can a rebirth in learning and art lead to global domination?
The Last Supper 1030-40 CE Artist: Unknown
Leonardo Da Vinci’s Last Supper, 1495-1497 CE Sample Footer Text 4/29/2019 3
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Was the Reformation a positive event? Effects of the Reformation 1) Divided Europe politically/religiously-Catholic vs. Protestant nations, -wars took on a religious edge in Europe Example: 30 years War devastated Central Europe, French civil wars, Dutch vs. Spanish, etc. 2) Economics-Protestant work ethic, wealth shows God’s favor -Protestants could charge interest on loans (Catholics needed to worm around this), -International “competition” in New World 3) Literacy Increased Greatly (in Europe)-individual relationship w/ God, interpret Bible in their own language, idea of individualism from Renaissance
Discussion: Was the Reformation a positive event?