March 2003 MMAC T71 Ad hoc WG Report Yasuhiko Inoue, NTT Y.Inoue, NTT
March 2003 MMAC Overview MMAC (Multimedia Mobile Access Communication Systems Promotion Council) An organization in the ARIB (Association of Radio Industries and Businesses). Activities: Investigation and study on system specifications Demonstrative experiment Information exchange and popularization activities, etc Working Groups High Speed Wireless Access 5GHz Mobile Access (Wireless Access and Wireless LAN) Wireless Home-Link (Wireless 1394) Y.Inoue, NTT
T71 Ad hoc Working Group ARIB STD-T71 March 2003 T71 Ad hoc Working Group ARIB STD-T71 Technical requirements and specifications for IEEE 802.11a systems to operate in Japan. T71 Ad hoc WG has been created to revise the current ARIB STD-T71 to incorporate the technical requirements for 5GHz Band Wireless Access systems. Chief: Mr. Noboru Matsumoto, SpeedNet Member companies: Atheros, Canon, Denso, Fujitsu, Hitach Cable, Intel, Japan Telecom, JRC, Mitsubishi, Murata, NEC, NTT, TOYOCOM, Panasonic, Samsung, SpeedNet, TDK, Toshiba, TTNet, and more Supposed to finish its work by the end of March Y.Inoue, NTT
Activities T71 Ad hoc WG had two meetings Jan. 23: The 1st meeting March 2003 Activities T71 Ad hoc WG had two meetings Jan. 23: The 1st meeting Call for members of the drafting group. Reviewed current ARIB STD-T71 to find the sections to be modified. Feb. 25: The 2nd meeting The initial version of the draft was presented to the WG members. Discussions: Clarification for some texts (e.g. spurious emissions) Channel numbering scheme, etc Mar. 19: The 3rd meeting Activities in IEEE 802.11 TGj was reported. Y.Inoue, NTT
Major Topics Regulatory requirements include: Additional specification March 2003 Major Topics Regulatory requirements include: Frequency band and channelization: 4.9-5.0GHz, 5.030-5.091GHz Transmit power: 250 [mW] or 10 [mW/MHz] Spectrum mask In-band and out-of-band spurious emission Antenna gain Carrier sense level Additional specification Channel numbering: the same expression as the IEEE 802.11j D1.0 Details are summarized in 02/533r1 Y.Inoue, NTT
Channel Numbering Scheme March 2003 Channel Numbering Scheme 4.9 – 5.0GHz: MMAC T71 Ad hoc WG accepted the channel numbering scheme proposed in TGj 4000 5000 4900 MHz 436 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 New Definition Y.Inoue, NTT
Requirement of the Market March 2003 Requirement of the Market Article 49-21 of Radio Equipment Ordinance allows three kinds of systems for the channel bandwidth 20MHz: A commercial license has been given to a service provider. Many other service providers plan to start their services. 10MHz: Some ISP plan to provide FWA/NWA services. 5MHz: No requirements from the market Is it really necessary to standardize this system? Y.Inoue, NTT
March 2003 Schedule T71 Ad hoc WG had some discussions by email after the final meeting. All of the modifications are incorporated into the draft. May/9: The final version of the draft. June/5: ARIB Standards Assembly. The draft will be approved as ARIB STD-T71 ver.2. Y.Inoue, NTT
March 2003 Future Works MMAC T71 Ad hoc WG continues to revise the ARIB STD-T71 if necessary Issues to be addressed: Specification of the 10MHz system Harmonization with IEEE 802.11j Y.Inoue, NTT
Summary The MMAC T71 Ad hoc WG: ARIB: March 2003 Summary The MMAC T71 Ad hoc WG: Final draft for the ARIB STD-T71 ver.2 is ready. WG will continue its activity for further revisions. ARIB: June/5 Standard assembly will approve the draft as ARIB STD-T71 version 2 STD-T71 ver.2 will be published soon. Y.Inoue, NTT