NPS mechanical design 01/31/2019 Jlab meeting Unité mixte de recherche CNRS-IN2P3 Université Paris-Sud 11 91406 Orsay cedex Tél. : +33 1 69 15 73 40 Fax : +33 1 69 15 64 70
General front Axio view Calorimeter 36 raws of 30 crystals =1080 crystals 20,5 x 20,5 x 200 mm
General back axo view 30 Interface PCB and cables
Crystal + PMt + cabling for 1 channel Reference plate Fiber Cut view PMt support plate Carbon plates honeycomb structure Interface Pcb (HV,Anode and LED) PMt assembly
Calorimeter 36 raws of 30 crystals =1080 crystals 20,5 x 20,5 x 200 mm Each crystal is wrapped of 1 reflective sheet on each side except the back side toward the PMt (Reflecteurs, Enhanced Specular Reflector 3M S+ESR 65µ thickness) (Tests have been made to check light crosstalk between 2 crystals: No crosstalk so no layer tedlar added ) Pitch between 2 crystals = 21,35 mm at the moment in each direction (gap between 2 crystals = 0,85mm Have to be optimised in order to facilitate the introduction of all the crystals in the composite honeycomb . Cooling copper plates around the calorimeter + insulation with Foam in order to maintain the T° @ 18°=/- 0,1 °(Study in progress)
Calorimeter Honeycomb support Spacers and threaded rods between the 2 frames Back side alveoles (20 mm width) Aluminum frame (20 mm width) Front side alveoles (20 mm width)
Calorimeter support: Back side alveoles details Reference Aluminum plate on which is glued the backward honeycombed structure Carbon plates 0,5 mm thickness crossed Carbon plates glued on the reference plate
Calorimeter support: Front side alveoles details Blocking plastic parts for an axial maintain of the crystals Insert plastic part inside each alveole (after insertion of the crystal)
Independent PMt assembly (new design) Shielding Mumetal tube PMt Shielding tube glued in the Aluminum part Aluminum support part 2 push washers 2 Threaded rods Socket of the PMt 2 Spacer Tubes 2 springs in order to press the PMt to the crystal
PMt assembly dismounting Captive screw Unscrewing of 1 alone screw Silicate fiber Removing the PMt assembly without the fiber
Cables , PCB cards and connectors Toward Lemo connectors Signal :Sma connector Signal :Sma connector signal cables strands Translation system HV :Fisher connector LED + silicate optic fiber for monitoring and curing LED command connector ( samtec)
Backward access for PMt dismounting
HV cables 180mm 325mm stretched cable (350 mm necessary) 270mm In reality the Lemo connectors don’t move ! 180mm 325mm stretched cable (350 mm necessary) 270mm 1080HV cables 375 m
HV divider-PCB card link 1080 cables HV 345 m 1080 anode cables 345 m The final length of all the cables will be adjusted with the help of a moke up in order to validate the good translation of the interface Pcb without stress on the connectors 180mm 220mm 285mm stretched cable (320 mm necessary)
Thermical aspect (cut view of the calorimeter) Intermediate Zone : Thermical Resistance Crystals Zone : @ 18°+/-0,1° Heating Zone : 500mW/channel = 540 W Intermediate Zone : Made of Glass , Vacuum (PMt) Depron (Thermal insulator) + cold Copper plate External Zone : T° = 22°c
Thermical aspect Crystals Zone : @ 18°+/-0,1° Heating electronic Zone : 500mW/channel = 540 W Heating zone cooled with 2 heat exchangers 6320G3SB (Lytron) + funs + 1 chiller Kodiac RC006G03BG3
Thermical aspect: Crystal zone Crystals Zone : @ 18°+/-0,1° 4 copper plates around + 1 intermediate copper plate + 1 other chiller ( cooling separated from backward zone) Foam : thermal insulator