Matthew 25 Be Prepared Matthew 25:1-13
Ten virgins hear of the approach of the bridegroom (1) Five were foolish in regard to taking oil (2-3) Five were wise in regard to taking oil (2, 4) While waiting they all slept (5) The bridegroom is finally coming. The virgins were in a house somewhere {“go out and meet him”} (6)
Five foolish cannot trim their lamps for lack of oil and the five wise do not have enough to share (7-9a) The foolish hurry to buy some oil (9b) While gone the bridegroom arrives, the wedding feast begins and the door is shut (10) The foolish virgins arrive and beg entrance (11) Entrance is denied (12)
The whole point is summed up in verse 13 (cf. Matthew 24:42-46) Five foolish virgins had some oil, but not enough Partial preparation is enough? Last minute “full court press”? Only prepare for the present? Obedience is like jumping a ditch, halfway just doesn’t get it Preparation cannot be transferred from one to another
How To Be Prepared Acknowledge that preparation is not a given! Like the virgins, you will either be wise or foolish Determine to be fully prepared. Jesus is coming in judgment (Acts 17:30-31) We do not know when (Mk. 13:32) Be prepared for Him to come at any time (2 Peter 3:10)
Some advice Be cautious that the cares of life do not distract you (Lk. 21:34-35) Watch and pray (Lk. 21:36) Work to grow (2 Peter 3:18)