Urban Audit Results of the quality project Teodora Brandmuller June 1997 Amsterdam Treaty teodora.brandmueller@cec.eu.int
Content of my talk The organizational setup The results The control methods Conclusions and actions ahead
The organizational setup The objectives were to detect and correct potential errors Started January, finalised September 2005 In strong collaboration with the national coordinators
Participation at the quality project BE FR HU SK CZ IE MT FI DK IT NL SE DE CY AT UK EE LV PL BG EL LT PT RO ES LU SI
The results - 390 897 records
The control methods Multivariate variable controls Male Resident Population + Female Resident Population = Total Resident Population Univariate variable control sum of the total residents at the SCD levels = total residents number at the city level Control against dynamic control ranges Interactive controls
Conclusions and actions ahead (1) Variable list needs review on-going in the “Urban Audit Think Tank” There are still national or even regional/local definitions applied existing international standards should be used The usage of flags and footnotes need to be clarified Eurostat prepared a proposal which gives clearer instructions
Conclusions and actions ahead (2) Better and clearer definition and labelling The update of the Methodological Handbook is foreseen A reference guide containing more detailed meta data is needed The preparation of a Reference Guide is foreseen Some NUACs did not respect data exchange formats The requirement to respect data exchange formats will be more emphasized