Mai-19 eca biomed GmbH & Co. KG 64560 Riedstadt 1 1
ANOSAN®- general properties very active against bacteria, virus and moulds no gaps in effectiveness and no development of microbial resistance known non-toxic to humans, animals and plants; pH-neutral allergic reactions not known no dangerous good, simple handling contains no organic chemicals, produced from water and salt ANOSAN® has a shelf life from 6 to 24 months no problematic residues, no special disposal Mai-19 eca biomed 2
ANOSAN®- microbiocidal effectiveness very active against all micro-organisms bacteria >log5-reduction virus (enveloped and non-enveloped) >log4- reduction Candida and other yeasts >log4-reduction no special disposal Mai-19 eca biomed 3
ANOSAN® TW first choice for water disinfection no operational interruption of the water supply system immediate removal of micro-organisms from the running water removal of biofilm/ scaling from inner pipe walls during permanent use thus sustainable sanitation of water pipe systems is ensured fulfills the EU/German criteria for drinking water and cooling tower disinfectants purity requirements according to EN DIN 901 production process according to Technical Rule W229 of DVGW effective against Legionella according to EN DIN 13623-2 effective in cold and hot water systems does not increase the corrosion potential of water December-14 eca biomed no21 4
ANOSAN® TW - how to use it Buildings (apartment houses, hotels, office blocks, shopping malls): A special water meter is placed downstream of the service water connection. For each volume of 10 liters the water meter transmits an electrical pulse to the pulse receiver of the dosing pump. The dosing pump is fitted with a supply tank equipped with level sensors. With each pulse the pump injects a preset volume of ANOSAN® into the running water. The displacement volume of the dosing pump is variable so that the desired concentration of ANOSAN® can be adjusted (usually between 0.1 and 1.0%). December-14 eca biomed 5
ANOSAN®- removal of biofilm Test design Biofilm was grown in silicon tubing by cycling a suspension of the bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa in an appropriate nutrient solution for 6 months. For testing the tubing was cut into defined pieces which were incubated in roller flasks. Nutrient solutions without (control) and complemented with disinfectant were replaced every day. The number of colony forming units (cfu) is related to the mass of biofilm. Bevor adding disinfectants the counts were 106 to 107 cfu per cm² of inner tubing surface. Semi-logarithmic plot. December-14 eca biomed 6
ANOSAN®- results removal of biofilm comparison with chlorine dioxid Note: Removal of biofilm is a precondition for the sustainable sanitation of all water circuits! control mass of biofilm chlorine dioxid 0.2 ppm 0,25% 0,5% December-14 eca biomed 7
Why is ANOSAN® unique? Because ANOSAN® is a very strong disinfectant 3 drops of ANOSAN® can disinfect one litre of water ANOSAN® works human identical! ANOSAN® has a 2 year shelf life! ANOSAN® can be used in a lot of aspects
the eca biomed solution – volumetric dosing easy to install easy to use remove reliable bacteria and virus it works odorless and tastless destroy biofilm in waterpipelines no chemicals inexpensive to buy cheap in the application Mai-19 eca biomed
ANOSAN®- effective and safe For the disinfection of one liter of drinking water you need 3 drops only. In contrast to other disinfectants ANOSAN® is not a hazardous good, is eco-friendly and non-toxic to humans, animals, and plants and is not irritating. Substitution of unsafe agents helps nature. February 2015 eca biomed no.23 10