Data management practices: UK Perspectives on a MORS Workshop Terry Hooper / Mark Taylor [Dstl] Geoff Sherwood [Adaptive Ltd] Explain who I am what I do MOD makes decisions CDA does analysis -- we don’t do modelling as an end in itself I am responsible for development of tools that CDA uses to do analysis Have management and processes in place to achieve this.
MORS Data Management Workshop ‘Improving Defense Analysis Through Better Data Practices’ IDA, Alexandria Washington D.C. 25-27 March 2003 Over 120 attendees from US Army, USN, USAF, USMC, OSD, Joint Staff (J-8), DoD contractors and 3 from UK Goals: best practice for generating, collecting, developing, maintaining, disseminating, applying data and metadata to help support better strategic analyses; establish improved data policy within DoD. Briefings from workshop sponsors (OSD & J-8), single service perspectives and data management examples from non DoD organisations, e.g. US State Department, NOAA, Institute of Health and National Science Foundation 06 May 2019
MORS Data Management Workshop WORKING GROUP SESSIONS: issues Session #1: ‘metadata, metadata, metadata’; incentivize #2: ‘look on data management as an enabler of decisions, not of data nor analysis’-> a credible body of evidence; DM is a social problem - needs incentives & encouragement #3: Experimentation data collection - develop a controlled/limited collection plan stage by stage, with data ‘pedigree’, metatags #4: The technical issues are solvable; the difficulty is TRUST – fear of mis-use; fear of being drawn in to other’s problems: ‘you’re asking me to be responsible for something I’m making a guess at’ ; You’ll use my data against me’ #5: In practice the tools impose control of the business process and the analysis process: we must recognise that the analysis requirements don’t [but should] drive data requirements. The analysis process should determine the tools, which are enablers. 06 May 2019
MORS Data Management Workshop Initial impressions: Emphasis on DoD transformation - will have a major impact on the US Analytical community via the DoD Analytic Agenda Development of US analytic baselines Establishment of Joint Data Support (JDS) activity to support JWARS and act as a “data broker” US Army and USAF are making efforts to solve their single service data management problems US data management activities still suffer from single service “stove pipes” and a marked reluctance to share data with the other services or with OSD and the Joint Staff (J-8) 06 May 2019
MORS Data Management Workshop Consensus: Culture more than Technology Difficult to measure benefits directly Campaign Data Development - common baselines Context is vital - Meta data Common definitions and ontologies: Communities of Interest C2/Network Enabled Capability drivers Responsibilities of Providers and Users 06 May 2019
MORS Data Management Workshop But there will be differences - UK MoD capability-based Equipment Acquisition breaks down service stove-pipes more joint, cross-service analysis and procurement, independent OA scrutiny (DG(S&A) Centralised analysis (low<->high level) community dialogue between experts: providers and suppliers, not just data Technologies less well developed Web, networks XML, Semantics/ontologies 06 May 2019
MORS Data Management Workshop The UK Perspective: Excellent exchange of views - particularly between DoD and Other Government Departments Common US/UK concerns Common areas of progress Some differences in priority, currently through Organisation and Technology differences Valuable lessons for both analytical communities 06 May 2019
Questions? 06 May 2019