First Year Retention among HHD Students Stephanie Benjamin, PhD, MPH Department of Health Sciences College of Health and Human Development
Almost a quarter of HHD first time freshmen leave CSUN after one year. How can we improve first year retention among HHD students? Is there a course sequence that could improve first year retention rates for HHD students? Are there courses taken among freshmen HHD students that influence first year retention at CSUN? Guiding Questions
Overview of Data 2008-2016 CSUN Pathways data were analyzed Only HHD first time freshmen who were enrolled in the university for both semesters of their first year were included in the analysis. Students who left CSUN after their first year were compared to students who continued at CSUN after their first year. Courses with the highest enrollment were evaluated to determine: Are there differences in course sequence between HHD students who left versus stayed at CSUN after their first year? Are there courses associated with a low first year retention rate among HHD first time freshmen? Overview of Data
There were no significant differences in the course sequencing between HHD first time freshmen who dropped out of CSUN after their first year versus those who stayed. During 2008-2016, almost half (49%) of all incoming HHD first time freshmen needed to take MATH 92 or 93. During the years of 2008-2016, approximately one third (32%) of the HHD first time freshmen who dropped out of CSUN after their first year had to repeat Math 92 or Math 93 compared to only 6% of those who continued at CSUN after their first year. Findings Percent of HHD first time freshmen who repeated MATH 92 or 93 during their first year
Almost half of HHD first year freshmen were placed in Developmental Mathematics I or II (MATH 92 or 93) during their first semester. Working with high schools to improve students’ mathematics skills could improve retention rates at CSUN. HHD first year freshmen who needed to repeat MATH 92 or 93 during their first year were more likely to leave CSUN after their first year. Providing additional resources for students who struggle in mathematics at CSUN could improve retention rates. Next question: Is MATH 92 and/or 93 necessary for success in upper level (100 and above) mathematics courses at CSUN? Concluding thoughts