Sinai is a region unique charm in favor of which all the factors of seduction combined together: • A story that has its roots in an immemorial past. • Many natural autos. • L ' sacred atmosphere that prevails in the region.
Because of its geographical position, it represents a hyphen between Asia and Africa, given that it extends in the shape of triangles which the three angles are formed by Port - Saïd and Rafah to the North and Ra's Muhammad in the South. This characteristic position which enjoys this almost ' island in fact, for thousands of years, the door Eastern Egypt. The Pharaohs were the first to exploit its deposits of gold, copper and its veins of turquoise. This stone also earned him the name of "Turquoise land".
Sinai offers a variety of fascinating landscapes; to the North, sandy beaches; surrounded by Palm trees; give on the Mediterranean. On the golden sand that frames the other patches a limpid blue bays of Gulfs of Suez and Aqaba have built villages and tourist resorts; a rendes - you hunting and diving diving because this is where l ' there are the rarest species of fish and corals. Sources d ' fresh water dot the Sinai as well as geysers. South, the high mountains formed magnificent amounted Red and pink rocks that are home to the vast valleys leading to Mount Sinai. Besides the medicinal plants which grow there and the different species of migratory and sedentary birds.
The geological nature of the Sinai, the almost ' island was administratively divided into 2 twin governorates: governorate of North Sinai (capital El Arich). The governorate of the South Sinai (capital El Tor).
Egypt Ministry of Education Direction of north Sinai El Arish El Alfi high school for girls by « girls of north Sinai team » directed by M. Achraf Abdel Aziz sinior of french