WELL-BEING We will discuss making healthy food and lifestyle choices including looking at personal hygiene. We will think about how medicines are used.


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Presentation transcript:

WELL-BEING We will discuss making healthy food and lifestyle choices including looking at personal hygiene. We will think about how medicines are used to keep us healthy but also how medicines can be harmful. We will also be looking at how friendship relationships can make us emotionally happy and what it take to be a good friend. ENGLISH We are going to find out about and write informative leaflets about the importance of exercise. We will use our imagination as we write stories in a fantasy setting. We will also be writing our own letters to put inside each of our shoeboxes. HUMANITIES As Historians we will be finding out about the changes in activity. We will be learning about the changes in technology and contemporary lifestyles that have had an impact on the amount of activities children and adults participate in. We will also explore the history of Medicine, who created it, when and how. This will lead us onto Florence Nightingale where we can learn about how she helped people to become healthy again. Discovery Class We are thinking about whether a healthy body means a healthy mind. We will consider being physically healthy, where will start walking a ‘daily mile’ as a class. We will also explore healthy food choices and lifestyle choices. We aim to learn about our food choices, particularly surrounding sugar and develop some healthy lunchbox ideas as well as tasting new foods. We will finally explore being emotionally healthy, where will try to help others to be happy, healthy and safe. CREATIVE As Artists we will look at artists such as Picasso, Vincent Van Gough and Andy Warhol We will use a variety of mixed media to produce our own self portraits. We will be learning how to critique our art and re-draft to improve. SCIENCE As Scientists we will be exploring ourselves, our bodies and our senses. We will be exploring what things our bodies need in order to remain happy and healthy. We will also be exploring materials whilst looking at packaging of products that we use for the food that we eat. TECHNOLOGY We are developing our computer skills by using ICT to create power points. We will also be using the laptops to carry out lots of research on the internet. MATHS We will continue to develop maths skills of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, place value, fractions, shapes, time and measures. KEY DATES Trip to Eureka Exhibition