Topic 7 Social Psychology Pro-social Behaviour
Prosocial Behavior Altruism Egoism …an unselfish interest in helping someone else Egoism …helping others for personal enhancement (e.g., to ensure reciprocity)
Prosocial Behavior Explanations of Altruism evolutionary psychological factors mood empathy sociocultural factors market economies investment in established religion gender
Prosocial Behavior The Bystander Effect Media Influence Darley and Latané (1968) individuals are less likely to help in an emergency when others are present diffusion of responsibility Media Influence
Aggression Biological Influences evolutionary views genetic basis neurobiological factors limbic system and frontal lobes of brain low levels of serotonin testosterone
Intergroup Relations Group Identity - us versus them Social Identity - define ourselves in terms of group membership Social Identity Theory - in-groups versus out-groups Ethnocentrism - favoring one’s own group over other groups
Social Identity
Interpersonal Attraction And Close Relationship Topic 5 Interpersonal Attraction And Close Relationship
Sherif’s Robbers Cave Study
Close Relationships Attraction proximity we like those who like us - mere exposure effect - promise of acquaintanceship we like those who like us similarity - consensual validation IM: Evolutionary Approaches Activity
Close Relationships: Love Romantic Love passionate love sexuality and infatuation Affectionate Love companionate love deep caring affection
Close Relationships: Love Social Exchange Theory fair exchange of “goods” minimize costs, maximize benefits Investment Model factors in stability of relationship - commitment to partner - investment in relationship - lack of attractive alternatives IM: Activity Handout 12.5: Which Attachment Style Is It?
Social Psychology and Health and Wellness Social Ties and Health isolation and mortality social support and coping Fighting Loneliness join activities with others act pleasant get help IM: Social Isolation and Transitions Activity
Chapter Summary Describe the influences on people’s perceptions and attributions of others. Identify how people are influenced in social settings. Discuss inter-group relations. Explain the nature of close relationships. Describe social processes affecting health and wellness. Note: Instructors may use the learning objectives presented on this slide or the following three slides to summarize the chapter material.
Chapter Summary Social Psychology Social Cognition study of how we think about, influence, and relate to other people Social Cognition person perception attribution and the fundamental attribution error heuristics self-esteem attitudes – cognitive dissonance/self perception
Chapter Summary Persuasion Prosocial Behavior Aggression altruism bystander effect media influence Aggression biological influences psychological influences sociocultural influences
Chapter Summary Social Influence Intergroup Relations conformity – Asch’s study obedience – Milgram’s study group influence - deindividuation, social contagion, group performance - group decision making Intergroup Relations social identity prejudice and stereotyping
Chapter Summary Close Relationships attraction – proximity and similarity romantic (passionate) love affectionate (companionate) love social exchange theory and investment model Social Psychology and Health and Wellness social ties and health