Prof.ssa Antonella Azzone Prof. Francesco Cirrottola 10° Conferenza dei Progetti del Centro Fermi – Torino – 6 7 8 Marzo 2019 Referent Teachers: Prof.ssa Antonella Azzone Prof. Francesco Cirrottola Prof. Michele Somma Students: Giacomo Fortunato Alessio Maurelli Bitetto - Bari
A group of 40 students of “Liceo Amaldi’’ have taken part to the “Extreme Energy Events” project for three years. They are studying the telescopes’ data collected at other schools. In January 2019 two teachers and ten students of our school went to CERN, in Geneva, to build the MRPC chambers of the telescope, which is going to be installed in our school.
To measure the angular distribution of cosmic rays. Goals of our analysis To measure the angular distribution of cosmic rays. To measure the speed of cosmic ray muons. Software used: Lazarus Excel Root
to replace in a file .CSV the decimal point with a comma. Lazarus is a multi purpose didactic software. We used it to created this tools to replace in a file .CSV the decimal point with a comma.
To study the cosmic ray muons speed: We have computed the muons speed as the ratio TrackOfLength / TimeOfFlight (cm/ns) We have created a frequency histogram of the speed distribution. We have compared this histogram with a gaussian function.
We analyzed data from different telescopes during the period 13 - 18 January 2019 : ALTA-01 BARI-01 CAGL-01 CAGL-03 CERN-01 CERN-02 FRAS-01 FRAS-03
1 032 614 data included in the range [14 ; 43] cm/ns Mean 27,73 cm/ns ALTA-01from2019-01-13to2019-01-14 1 048 576 imported data 1 032 614 data included in the range [14 ; 43] cm/ns Mean 27,73 cm/ns RMS 2,92 cm/ns (Count.if negative data) = = 3 946 (Count.if t=0) = 28 RMS 2,45 cm/ns
1 037 610 data included in the range [14 ; 43] cm/ns Mean 28,00 cm/ns BARI-01from2019-01-13to2019-01-14 1 048 576 imported data 1 037 610 data included in the range [14 ; 43] cm/ns Mean 28,00 cm/ns RMS 3,72 cm/ns (Count.if negative data) = = 1 879 (Count.if t=0) = 16 RMS 3,3 cm/ns
(Count.if positive data) = CAGL-01from2019-01-13to2019-01-14 1 048 576 imported data 1 027 363 data included in the range [-43 ; -14] cm/ns Mean -29,07 cm/ns RMS 3,55 cm/ns (Count.if positive data) = = 5854 (Count.if t=0) = 18 RMS 3,2 cm/ns
(Count.if positive data) = CAGL-01from2019-01-13to2019-01-14 1 048 576 imported data 1 027 363 data included in the range [-43 ; -14] cm/ns Mean -29,07 cm/ns RMS 3,55 cm/ns (Count.if positive data) = = 5854 (Count.if t=0) = 18 Similar results CAGL-01from2019-01-15to2019- 01-16 CAGL-01from2019-01-17to2019- 01-18 Maybe the first chamber of this telescope has been substituted for the third one... RMS 3,2 cm/ns
991 652 data included in the range [14 ; 43] cm/ns Mean 32,35cm/ns CAGL-03from2019-01-17to2019-01-18 1 048 576 imported data 991 652 data included in the range [14 ; 43] cm/ns Mean 32,35cm/ns RMS 3,82 cm/ns (Count.if negative data) = = 15 542 (Count.if t=0) = 78 RMS 3,4 cm/ns
1 006 591 data included in the range [4 ; 33] cm/ns Mean 16,77cm/ns CERN-01from2019-01-13to2019-01-14 1 048 576 imported data 1 006 591 data included in the range [4 ; 33] cm/ns Mean 16,77cm/ns RMS 1,55 cm/ns (Count.if negative data) = = 4 436 (Count.if t=0) = 6 RMS 1,3 cm/ns
1 006 591 data included in the range [4 ; 33] cm/ns Mean 16,77cm/ns CERN-01from2019-01-13to2019-01-14 1 048 576 imported data 1 006 591 data included in the range [4 ; 33] cm/ns Mean 16,77cm/ns RMS 1,55 cm/ns (Count.if negative data) = = 4 436 (Count.if t=0) = 6 Why is the speed so low? Maybe it is because this telescope is used to test the chambers already built … RMS 1,3 cm/ns
947 323 data included in the range [14 ; 43] cm/ns Media 29,58 cm/ns CERN-02from2019-01-15to2019-01-16 1 048 576 imported data 947 323 data included in the range [14 ; 43] cm/ns Media 29,58 cm/ns Dev. Stand. 5,43 cm/ns (Count.if negative data) = = 5 410 (Count.if t=0) = 69 RMS 5,3 cm/ns
Similar results CERN-02from2019-01-17to2019-01-18 1 048 576 imported data 947 323 data included in the range [14 ; 43] cm/ns Media 29,58 cm/ns Dev. Stand. 5,43 cm/ns (Count.if negative data) = = 5 410 (Count.if t=0) = 69 Similar results CERN-02from2019-01-17to2019-01-18 RMS 5,3 cm/ns
59 030 data included in the range [14 ; 43] cm/ns Media 31,32 cm/ns FRAS-01from2019-01-18to2019-01-18 1 048 576 imported data 59 030 data included in the range [14 ; 43] cm/ns Media 31,32 cm/ns Dev. Stand. 5,46 cm/ns (Count.if negative data) = 0 (Count.if t=0) = 0 RMS 5,3 cm/ns
1 026 928 data included in the range [14 ; 43] cm/ns Media 25,65cm/ns FRAS-03from2019-01-14to2019-01-14 1 048 576 imported data 1 026 928 data included in the range [14 ; 43] cm/ns Media 25,65cm/ns Dev. Stand. 3,82 cm/ns (Count.if negative data) = = 3 410 (Count.if t=0) = 71 RMS 3,25 cm/ns
Gaussians in comparison The height of the curve indicates the number of good events. The centroid of the gaussian curve is the average speedof muons
Conclusions The centroid of the gaussian curve is the average speed of cosmic rays muons. We found a value very close to the speed of light, about 28,5 – 29,5 cm/ns. The distribution is not perfectly a Gaussian function. It has a “tail” on the right. In the data sample we found negative values of the speed, due to upward going particles.