Capital Punishment
Capital Punishment Is Just … Because God demanded the death penalty! Genesis 9:5-6; Deuteronomy 21:18-21; Numbers 15:32-36
10 Commandment Punishments: 1st and 2nd – Serving other gods - Duet. 13:6-17
10 Commandment Punishments: 1st and 2nd – Serving other gods - Duet. 13:6-17 3rd - Taking the Name of the Lord in Vain - Lev. 24:10-16
10 Commandment Punishments: 1st and 2nd – Serving other gods - Duet. 13:6-17 3rd - Taking the Name of the Lord in Vain - Lev. 24:10-16 4th- Failing to observe the Sabbath day - Exodus 35:1-3; Num. 15:32-36
10 Commandment Punishments: 1st and 2nd – Serving other gods - Duet. 13:6-17 3rd - Taking the Name of the Lord in Vain - Lev. 24:10-16 4th- Failing to observe the Sabbath day - Exodus 35:1-3; Num. 15:32-36 5th- Dishonoring father and mother - Exodus 21:15; Duet 21:18-21
10 Commandment Punishments: 6th- Not to kill - Exodus 21:12-14; Num. 35:31-34
10 Commandment Punishments: 6th- Not to kill - Exodus 21:12-14; Num. 35:31-34 7th- Not to commit adultery - Leviticus 20:10
10 Commandment Punishments: 6th- Not to kill - Exodus 21:12-14; Num. 35:31-34 7th- Not to commit adultery - Leviticus 20:10 8th- Not to steal- Exodus 22:2
10 Commandment Punishments: 6th- Not to kill - Exodus 21:12-14; Num. 35:31-34 7th- Not to commit adultery - Leviticus 20:10 8th- Not to steal- Exodus 22:2 9th- Bearing False witness- Duet. 19:16-21
10 Commandment Punishments: 6th- Not to kill - Exodus 21:12-14; Num. 35:31-34 7th- Not to commit adultery - Leviticus 20:10 8th- Not to steal- Exodus 22:2 9th- Bearing False witness- Duet. 19:16-21 10th - Not to covet - Josh. 7:20-26
Capital Punishment Is Just … Because God demanded the death penalty! Genesis 9:5-6; Deuteronomy 21:18-21; Numbers 15:32-36
Capital Punishment Is Just … Because God demanded the death penalty! Because God punishes the guilty, and preserves the innocent! Ex. 20:13; Ex. 21:12-14; Numbers 35:11-12, 16-21, 29-32
Capital Punishment Is Just … Because God demanded the death penalty! Because God punishes the guilty, and preserves the innocent! Even when it might not deter crime! Genesis 26:11; Romans 1:28-32
Capital Punishment Is Just … Because God demanded the death penalty! Because God punishes the guilty, and preserves the innocent! Even when it might not deter crime! Because God demands the government use it! 1 Peter 2:13-17; Acts 25:10-11; Romans 13:1-4
God uses capital punishment!
God uses capital punishment! Let us teach respect for our government and it’s laws! Ecclesiastes 8:10-11
God uses capital punishment! Let us teach respect for our government and it’s laws! Ecclesiastes 8:10-11 We are to be obedient to our government, but we also must be obedient to God!
God uses capital punishment! Let us teach respect for our government and it’s laws! Ecclesiastes 8:10-11 We are to be obedient to our government, but we also must be obedient to God! Have you been obedient to His will?