Writing from Observation Essay 2
Time to Observe On your computer, type adjectives that describe the type of individual in the image that you see—Words like “happy,” “frustrated,” etc. Try to choose at least 2-3 words.
Time to Observe Now, I want you to describe VERY SPECIFIC parts of the image that give you that impression of her. Parts of her body, face, hair, clothing.
Time to Observe I know you don’t know the answer to this, but why is she upset? What is she looking at, or what has just happened here?
Writing from observation An exercise in Describing details and drawing conclusions
We are creating the image for the reader We are creating the image for the reader. It’s an image they can’t see, so we have to provide it for them. We want to give atmosphere and visuals, make them see and feel the same way we do.
So, let’s give it a go… First, let’s record the details about the image we’re seeing. Second, let’s look at the details that made us feel that way. Third, let’s draw some impressions about this girl. Who is she? What kind of person is she? What’s her story? Make it all up.
Collect the details Write down just what you see at first. Expressions on their faces? Eyes? Mouth? Cheeks? Postures? Jewelry? Hair? Setting?
Build a feeling, a story Let the details you wrote on the previous page “speak” a little bit. Give each of these men a “mood.” Start to build a “story.” Tell us all the details that make you think they feel a certain way. What “feel” do they give you. In short, interpret. You don’t have to be right, but it has to make sense.
A Central Point What is the big take away here? Putting together all your ideas, what should a reader take away regarding these men? What is our overall impression or reaction?
If you didn’t complete the homework Find an expressive image on the internet (one that “has a lot to say”) Run through the steps we did previously with the African men. What are your first impressions/reactions to this image? How does it make you feel? Make a VERY detailed list of physical descriptions that help show your reader this image even if they can’t see it. Create a written paragraph of description that builds towards a central feeling or idea you take away from the image. Print the image and your write up.
Today’s Task Write two of the detailed descriptions that you expect to put in your essay. Use all five senses (as they apply). Have one be about the environment in which you were sitting. Have one be about objects that you saw in this place. When you’re finished, hand them to a partner and ask them to draw the images you described. Revise your work.