Converting Internet Leads Galand Haas Keller Williams Realty
The two words that are key elements to success with internet lead conversion! Persistence Consistency
Work your funnel Unqualified Lead Qualified Lead Prospect Client Proven strategies Unqualified Lead Qualified Lead Prospect Client
Farm Your Database
phone drip email blast email Farming your database can take many different forms and lends itself to two primary strategies- short and long term strategies. phone drip email blast email
Text The new way to connect with prospects
Farm Your Database – Short Term Philosophy
When Leads Provide You with a Phone Number If you have a good phone number, it goes without saying that you should follow up with a phone call.
Converting With Phone Numbers Must have lead routing system phone numbers required!
Leads With a Phone Number Call leads who provide phone numbers IMMEDIATELY Send leads to database Have a script Qualify lead to a prospect Soft sell approach Follow up IMMEDIATELY... DO NOT WAIT!!!
Script for Calling
Drip Email Campaigns
Drip Campaign Strategies Must be believable Not too long Offer value and a reason to call Reflect you and your team Know your campaigns Modify/test your messages
Drip Campaigns With Video
Farm Your Database
Long-Term Philosophy email blast messages are timely/topical encourage action keep you ever-present (top of mind) email blast
Blast Strategies Long Term weekly real estate updates monthly email newsletter featured/best deal listings special announcements/promotions
Impactful message with a Real Estate Weekly Updates Impactful message with a clear call to action
Monday Morning Coffee Weekly inspirational message: AT&T texting and driving video example
Monthly Email Newsletter Use this opportunity to stay top of mind and relevant by providing great local market information.
Featured/Hot Properties Everyone is looking for a deal, and every once in a while a property comes on the market that is such a good deal, it can't stay a secret!!
engaging content for your viewers and the Incorporating Video Video is engaging content for your viewers and the search engines!
Lead Generation/Conversion Systems That I Use!
Monthly Email Newsletter Use this opportunity to stay top of mind and relevant by providing great local market information.
You Get Different Types Of LCWs, So You Can Always Test the Results You Get.
name and e-mail address: Do you want to receive my weekly and monthly e-mail blasts? Send me your name and e-mail address: