Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance Polling of city council members Agenda City Council Meeting Tuesday, March 12, 2019 City Council Chambers – Judicial Center 202 Kelley Street 7:00 P.M. Call Meeting to Order Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance Polling of city council members VII. EXECUTIVE sESSION VIII. CITY COUNCILMEMBERS REPORTS VIII Ix. MAYOR’S REPORT x. RESEARCHED/FOLLOW-UP Items Adoption of the Agenda APPROVAL OF MINUTES Public Comment Period presentations Legislative CITY ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Adjournment
Call Meeting to Order Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance Polling of city council members I. Adoption of the Agenda
II. Approval of minutes Approval of the Minutes from the Tuesday, February 12, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting.
III. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD Notes on Comment Period: Comments are limited to two minutes per person and no personal or verbal attacks will be entertained. The Council is interested in hearing your concerns, but speakers should not expect Council action or deliberation on subject matter brought up during the Public Comment Period. Topics requiring further investigation will be referred to the City Administrator and may be scheduled for a future agenda. Please state your name and address for the record.
IV. PRESENTATIONS A. Recognition of Lake City High School Culinary Arts Students City Administrator Stephany Snowden B. Employee Recognition – City Administrator Stephany Snowden
Legislative A. ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance 2019.497 – Second/Final Reading 1. Ordinance 2019.497 – Second/Final Reading An Ordinance of the City of Lake City, South Carolina, authorizing the City of Lake City Police Department to enter into a Law Enforcement Assistance and Support Agreement with the Timmonsville Police Department; and other matters related thereto.
Legislative A. ORDINANCES 2. Ordinance 2019.498 – First Reading 2. Ordinance 2019.498 – First Reading An Ordinance of the City of Lake City, South Carolina, authorizing the City of Lake City to revise the Sign Ordinance for requirements for Non-Profit Groups; and other matters thereto.
Legislative A. ORDINANCES 3. Ordinance 2019.499 – First Reading 3. Ordinance 2019.499 – First Reading An Ordinance of the City of Lake City, South Carolina, authorizing the City of Lake City to enter into a lease agreement with the Boys and Girls Club; and other matters thereto.
Legislative A. ORDINANCES 4. Ordinance 2019.500 – First Reading 4. Ordinance 2019.500 – First Reading An Ordinance of the City of Lake City, South Carolina, authorizing the City of Lake City to enter into a Law Enforcement Assistance and Support Agreement with the Williamsburg County Sheriff’s Office; and other matters thereto.
Legislative B. RESOLUTIONS 1. Resolution 2019.339 – For Approval 1. Resolution 2019.339 – For Approval A Resolution of the City of Lake City, South Carolina, authorizing the City of Lake City to accept the U.S.D.A. grant/loan submission; and other matters thereto.
Legislative B. RESOLUTIONS 2. Resolution 2019.340 – For Approval 2. Resolution 2019.340 – For Approval A Resolution of the City of Lake City, South Carolina, to approve the negotiate and award of construction services for Dug Out upfit for (4) dug outs at Blanding Street Park to the most responsive and responsible vendor; and other matters thereto.
City administrative reports A. COUNCIL STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION – Administrator Stephany Snowden
City administrative reports b. WEST THOMAS/ACLINE TRUCK TRAFFIC –Administrator Stephany Snowden
City administrative reports C. BUDGET REVIEW AND PREP-Administrator Stephany Snowden
City administrative reports D. Financial Summary – deputy City Administrator Daniel Driggers
b. Financial Summary – deputy City Administrator Daniel Driggers
City administrative reports E. APPROVAL OF BILLS 1. March 2019 Bill List
VIII. Action as needed with respect to. matters discussed in executive VIII. Action as needed with respect to matters discussed in executive session
xI. ITEMS BEING RESEARCHED A. Stormwater Fees (Ordinance 2017.453) B. Sign Ordinance (Ordinance 2002.222) C. Railroad Crossings and heavy trucks D. City Lighting Issues/Duke Energy ADJOURNMENT