English 1 September 4, 2014
Vocabulary Word: Sentence Example: Equ-/ Equi- = same Sentence Example: The assignment was equitable since all students could complete it.
Blaser Robotics Club Sponsor: Mr. Collins (Room 800) President: Elise Tate Purpose: To build, program, wire and code robots for competition through the FIRST organization. Meets: Tuesdays: 4:10-5:30 PM & Thursdays: 4:10-5:30 PM Room 800
Day 8: Building Character Whether in class or on the field, in the halls or online, at school or at home; Grimsley Whirlies will strive to exhibit these qualities. Responsibility Respect Kindness Courage Integrity Self-Discipline Perseverance
Service-Learning Service-Learning is a way to connect positive and meaningful action in the community with academic learning, personal growth and civic responsibility. Service-Learning helps develop citizenship and good character while providing direct connections to the academic curriculum.
Recognition Questions? Service-Learning Diploma 250 documented hours during high school S-L Exemplary Award 100 documented hours during high school Questions? Ms. Bolick in counseling or Mr. “Freebird” McKinney in the old cafeteria can help. Look for more information about Noble Hour and the Grimsley Service-Learning Club
TIME FOR SWRP Read for 20 minutes If you have not brought an item, pick up one of mine! Great time to do your summer reading (*grunt*)(*cough*)
4th and 5th – Take Out Your Sheet on “The Sniper” 1st and 2nd – Turn to “An American Story” by Anthony Lewis p. 262 6th – Turn to The Sniper, pg. 212
You will look at two documents today…..
Diction: The writer’s choice of words; a stylistic element that helps convey voice and tone.
Let’s Look At…. “An American Story” by Anthony Lewis p. 262 and “Ex-Refugee is Nominated for Justice Post” by Dena Bunis and Anh Do p. 265
Homework… You will complete the SOA of the SOAPStoneD model tonight for your summer reading book (Speaker, Occasion, and Audience) Tomorrow you will complete the SptoneD (Purpose, Subject, Tone, and Diction)
September 5, 2014 Take out A Sheet Of Paper and put your name, date, and period number
September 5, 2014 Instead of a quiz, you will write for 10-15 minutes about anything you want. Just incorporate two words with prefixes you learned this week and underline and label all the action verbs and linking verbs you write. This is open note so you can use your notes! Possible topics if you are at a loss. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? What is your favorite childhood memory? Best place you have traveled.
Day 9: Planning for the Future Now is the time to prepare for your life after high school. Your high school diploma is only the first step! Where do you want to be in five years?
Make the grade Take the courses you need to graduate and pursue your goals. Do your best and seek help when you need it. Explore possible career options while in high school. Prepare for your exams, they count – all final exams will count 20% of your final grade. Counselors, teachers, administrators, coaches – all adults at Grimsley are here so that you can reach your goals.
Testing dates PSAT is on October 15th for Juniors PLAN is on October 15th for Sophomores Workkeys is in February for CTE completers ACT is on March 3rd for Juniors AP/IB exams are in May EOCs, NCFEs and teacher final exams are in June Freshmen who want to take the PSAT, should see Ms. Morrison in New Science. Students who need to take the SAT should register online or see your counselor.
Period: 1, 2, 4, and 5: Let’s Look at… SOAPSTONE for An American Story “Ex-Refugee is Nominated for Justice Post” by Dena Bunis and Anh Do p. 265
Period 6: Your worksheets on The Sniper
If You Finish… Complete the PSToneD part of your summer reading.
Title Genre Author’s Purpose Theme or Main Idea How writer uses characteristics of genre to develop theme or main idea The New Colossus Immigrants in our own Land