Kapi’olani Community College Art 249 Interface Design 2 In-class Presentation Week 9B
:: Example CSS Zen Garden Free Bird http://csszengarden.com/ Text/HTML only: http://www.csszengarden.com/zengarden-sample.html Free Bird http://www.freebird.co.uk/ Look at the source code
:: Today’s Agenda Tyler and Brendan to briefly present their designs Lesson on how to begin coding using good structural markup (HXTML).
:: Lesson Structural Markup How to begin coding your page using good structural markup. Work from the top down, outside in What is the content? Common structure: header navigation bar page content footer
:: Lesson Good reference: XHTML tutorial: http://www.gwumc.edu/library/tutorials/introxhtml/index.cfm Specific links on structural markup: http://www.gwumc.edu/library/tutorials/introxhtml/structmarkup.cfm http://www.gwumc.edu/library/tutorials/introxhtml/tagexplanation2.cfm
:: Assignment home page due : 10.23.06 Begin coding your site – a coded version of your home page is due next class. (yes, with CSS and with all color and graphics) There are two approaches: Code as you go. Start by creating both an HTML file and a CSS file, then work from the top-down, outside-in to gradually add content in the HTML file and style/presentation in the CSS file. Create a complete, working HTML only/text-only version of the site 1st, then add CSS (presentation) to the site via the CSS file. Post a link to your coded home page on your site.