Insert Class Photo Here Mrs. Mydlinski’s Class Insert Class Photo Here Together We Shine!
About the Teacher Grew up in South Carolina and Virginia Live in Leesburg with my 2 children Attended Longwood University and earned my Masters from George Mason University. 24th year teaching and have taught 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades Outstanding Teacher of the Year nominee (Agnes Meyer Award) 3 times Love traveling, trying new things and eating out!
From 1st Grader – to 1st Grade Teacher!
Homework Homework will start in October. First graders are encouraged to read nightly for at least 20 minutes. More information will come home at a later date regarding homework expectations.
Mrs. Mydlinski's Class Website Communication Daily - form in the STAR folder (behavior/work habits, any notes) Weekly - email to update you on current classroom events 1st Grade Website is updated with information – please check it regularly I regularly check my email throughout the day
Classroom Management Positive Reinforcement Reward Coupons – “Star bucks” PBIS school – respect, responsibility, relationships Notes home, phone calls to discuss
A Day in the Life of a First Grader! Arrival and morning routines Lunch responsibilities Daily Schedule What to expect
Morning Arrival Students may arrive to the classroom between 7:30 – 7:50 Students will complete morning work during this time which is expected to be done by 8:00 STAR folders will be checked first thing in the morning for important notes, money, homework, etc.
Reading & Word Study PALS and DRA Differentiated Reading Groups and Instruction Differentiated Word Study Groups Centers Word Study Assessments
Writer's Workshop 30-45 Minute writing block 5 times/week Students will exit first grade as writers Inventive spelling is ok and will progress We will work on: Complete sentences Paragraphs that remain on topic Adding interesting details to our writing Correct grammar
Math Patterns Money Telling Time Measurement Adding and Subtracting Calendar Graphing Skip Counting Fractions Geometry
Science Major Themes Seasons Plants Nutrition Matter Scientific Investigation Force and Motion Animals Natural Resources Stem Lab quarterly
Major Themes Social Science Holidays American Symbols Map Skills Timelines Citizenship Famous Americans Geography Economics Cultural Awareness Past and Present
Specials PE (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday) Music (Monday, Thursday) Art (Thursday) Library (Friday) Guidance (every other Wednesday) Computer Lab (Friday) SEARCH (every other Tuesday)
Assessments and Grading Assessment is the use of a variety of procedures to collect information about learning and instruction. Formative and summative assessment represent two classifications of assessment. Formative assessments focus on monitoring student response to and progress with instruction. Formative assessment provides immediate feedback to both the teacher and student regarding the learning process. Summative assessment focus on determining what the student has learned at the end of a unit of instruction. Summative assessments help determine to what extent the instructional and learning goals have been met. Formative and summative assessment contribute in different ways to the larger goals of the assessment process. Grading: E (Exceeding), M (Meeting), P (Progressing) and B (Below)
Lunch 11:05 – 11:35 Pre-pay online here Welcome to join our students for lunch, but please do not bring fast food Peanut allergies
Recess 20 minutes/day Black Top in back or playground, grassy area Recess Equipment Donations – jump ropes, balls, frisbees, sidewalk chalk
Afternoon Dismissal Please make sure you have told me how your child gets home. Bus Riders will be put on their bus by me Must receive a note to send a child home a different way than normal If you pick your child up early, they will meet you in the office
One to the World We are excited about the OTTW initiative happening in every LCPS school! OTTW is connecting students globally, One to the World will improve the quality and amplify the impact of the work of students as they master the content and competencies of the curriculum. One to the World is an instructional initiative that addresses what an LCPS graduate should know and be able to do. This instructional approach focuses on significant content and important competencies and the joy of teaching and learning. Our first OTTW activity involves first graders as writers. All students will create and publish a book. These books will be shared locally with preschool students. More information about our OTTW activities will be sent home as we work on them.
Field Trips A field trip will be taken this year. More information to come home later in the year!
Volunteer in our Classroom! Volunteers Room Moms As needed Friday word study assessment Read to the class Please fill out the sheet and return
for taking the time to attend Back to School Night! Thank You... for taking the time to attend Back to School Night! Together We Shine! I look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning activities!