Spring Semester Gospel Video Project Christology - Theology 1-B
Gospel Video Project 1. Read the Chapters of the Gospel you have been assigned.
2. Assign cast*: Jesus - Supporting Characters – Narrator – Videographer – *You may use students from other classes / schools / family members for extra actors if necessary.
Create a Video on Youtube of your portion of the Gospel Create a Video on Youtube of your portion of the Gospel. Set the Gospel in a modern day context as if it was happening in 2017. You will be showing this Video to the whole class. It must be in keeping with our school’s Catholic Christian Ethics and Code of Conduct. If it is not in any respect, the entire group will receive a zero.
You may use humor in your Video as long as it is appropriate and does not degrade yourself or another human person.
250 Points 5. Grade will be based on: 1. Full participation of all group members – 50 points 2. Full coverage of your portion of the Gospel – 50 points 3. Creativity – 50 points 4. Costumes / props – 50 points 5. Quality of videography – 50 points
6. If a group member is not pulling his weight, the other group members are to inform Miss Adams of this and that person will receive a zero.
Christology Homework Gospel Video Project Due Monday April 3rd. If your group can’t meet at another location, you need to film the Video on campus before school, at break, at lunch, or after school.
Example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVsf3PvO9bs
Be the Rock Stars that you are!!! Have Fun!!!
Items to work on today: Exchange phone numbers then put phones away. Phones will be taken if used for any other purpose. Go through your portion of the Gospel and choose 1-2 events per chapter that you are going to act out in your video. Decide who is going to play which role - who will play the part of Jesus, who will narrate, who will play other characters, who will video the scenes. You may switch around roles as needed.
Team One - Matthew Chapter 1-14 Brett Terlip Andre Ashkar Brian Shen Trey Woodard
Team Two - Matthew Chapters 15-28 Diego Rodriguez Jason Fisher Steven Rodgers Jake Rodriguez
Team Three - Mark Chapters 1-8 Jacob Beltran Adrian Figueredo Daniel Fejeran Jeremy Cote
Team Four - Mark Chapters 9 - 16 Curtis Lin Matthew Augustine Jordan Cabungcal George Gardner Justin Markstrom
Team Five - Luke Chapters 1-12 Nick Lopez Jonathan Paik Sebastian Escalante Matthew Henson
Team Six - Luke Chapters 13-24 Matthew Capistrano Esteban Castro Logan Joseph Sebastian Tolentino Issac Magallanes
Team Seven - John Chapters 1-21 Martyn Joven Antonio Rangel Hector Varela Pierre Bujons Liam McNair