Information for Incoming 9th Grade Students Manhasset High School English Department 2018-19
Manhasset High School English Department Program for 9th Grade Students Dr. Rebecca Chowske District Coordinator for English Language Arts and Reading 267-7582 Required or Recommended Courses for 9th Grade Students English 9 Regents OR English 9 Honors: 1 credit (Placement is based on teacher recommendation). Both courses offer a comprehensive exploration of literature, non-fiction works, writing, and proper use of the English language. Writing Techniques 9: ½ credit Placement is based on 8th grade ELA results and/or teacher recommendation. Elective Courses Available for 9th Grade Students Creative Writing Workshop: ½ credit Open to students grades 9-12 interested in exploring writing of poetry, fiction, non fiction and other creative forms. Student writing is submitted to school and external publications and to writing contests. Advanced Creative Writing: ½ credit. Open to students grades 9-12 interested in developing genre-specific portfolios and fine-tuning the craft of creative written expression. Prerequisite: Creative Writing Speech and Debate: ½ credit – Open to students grades 9-12. Students are trained in developing an argument and in techniques of public speaking. Students also learn and participate in the protocol of the Lincoln-Douglas debate. Journalism: ½ credit-Open to students grades 9-12. Students learn the technique of creating both digital and print newspapers, including article writing, editorials, layout, print and online publication, and ethical considerations surrounding publication. This course culminates with each student creating an online newspaper. Patrick
English 9H and 9R Course Outlines/Literature: Aligned to New York State Learning Standards Literature: Challenging novels, plays and short stories. Titles may include: A Separate Peace Of Mice and Men A Raisin In the Sun The House on Mango Street The Odyssey Romeo and Juliet Tuesdays With Morrie Five People You Meet in Heaven Grammar Units Short Stories (Unit Reading) Independent Reading Assignments Poetry Non-fiction texts related to literature readings; NYS Standards analysis. Research Paper Literature: Advanced novels, plays and shorter works . Titles may include: Beowulf Grendel Gilgamesh Iphigenia and The Orestia The Odyssey Le Morte D’ Arthur (selections) The Decameron (selections) The Canterbury Tales (selections) Julius Caesar Romeo and Juliet Grammar Units Independent Reading Books Poetry Non-fiction texts related to literature readings; NYS Standards analysis. Research Paper English 9H English 9R
Extracurricular Activities: English Language Arts and Reading, 9-12 - continued Extracurricular Activities: English Honors Society: Department Honor Society (first eligibility in 10th grade, based on 9th grade English grades) Contact: Nikki Buckley or Laura Lembo, English Teachers, by email. Phoenix: Secondary School literary magazine Contact: Candyce Kannengeiser, English Teacher, by email. Indian Ink: Secondary School online newspaper Contact: Michael McDonough, English Teacher, by email. Poetry Coffee House: ( PoCoHo ), Music and poetry evening performance Contact: Loretta Schuellein, English Teacher, by email. Writing Contests: Information distributed through classes Posted in Writing Center –Room 277 Contact: Mr. Novak, English Teacher, by email. PATRICK INTRODUCES MARA
State/Standardized Tests For All Students: Peer Responder Mentor Program (required for English Honor Society Membership; available to other students wishing to become Peer Responders) Peer Responder Program: Room 265 Students in upper grades are paired with middle school students to receive extra help with writing assignments in any course. Peer Responding is a requirement of membership in the English Honor Society. Details regarding the Peer Responder Program are available through Mr. Koondel in Room 265, the adviser to this program. State/Standardized Tests Students do not take state-administered ELA tests in 9th grade. All students take the New York State English Language Arts Regents exam at the end of 11th grade (graduation requirement).