BR – List what you think some story elements are. 6th Grade LT & BR LT – Today I will take a pre- test about story elements to show what I know. BR – List what you think some story elements are.
6th Grade Pre-Test Directions Take everything off of your desk except for a pencil and sheet of paper On the paper, write your name, date (09/05/18), and period. Then number your paper from 1-30. If you need all period, you can take all period. Do your best, this will show me what you know and can determine future groups. There is NO TALKING AND NO CHEATING When you finish, grab your independent reading book.
7th Grade LT & BR LT – Today I will learn about the different parts of the plot of a story to map out what happens chronologically. BR – What are the steps in the plot of a story?
7th Grade Agenda Last week we began story elements, but did not get far due to behavior… 1.) Watch Flocabulary video one more time for “Five Elements of a Story” 2.) Review vocabulary 3.) Play vocabulary beats game 4.) Class game using read & respond and quiz Draw on a piece of posterboard a plot diagram
People from class need to explain vocabulary in their own words. Closing People from class need to explain vocabulary in their own words.
8th Grade LT & BR LT – Today I will read dialogue from a play to determine information about the main characters. BR – What might be some ways that authors use dialogue to give us hints about characters?
As a class, we will read the play “Fourteen” by Alice Gerstenberg Answer questions 1-4 using UNWRAP Answer question 7 using RACE
Closing What did you learn about each character through the dialogue in “Fourteen?”