INCOSE IW MBSE Workshop System of Systems & Enterprise Modeling Activity Draft Workshop Plan Ron Williamson 13 January 2011
Agenda – SoS/Enterprise Modeling Day 1 Sunday January 30, 2011 40 Minutes total 10 Minutes introduction by Ron Williamson 30 Minutes Keynote on UPDM by Mathew Hause Day 2 Monday Breakout Sessions January 31, 2011 3 hours total 1 Hour Overview, Intro and Outbriefs of topics by Ron Williamson System Engineering/Architecting Context for SoS/Enterprise Modeling IDEAS Group, MODAF, DoDAF 2.0 and UPDM efforts Model Integration , UML Profiles, SysML leverage, Domain Specific Languages Barriers and Opportunities in SoS/Enterprise Modeling Linkage to Charles Dickerson’s AWG efforts (possible teleconference w/ Charles) 1 Hour Open Brainstorming on prioritized topics (group discussion) Barriers to adoption • Best Practices • Case Studies DoDAF 2.0 • UPDM 1 Hour in collaborative session with Ontology team Topics include IDEAS Group and DoDAF 2.0 ontology efforts Meta Modeling efforts including Architecture Ecosystem topics