International Travel Grants for Teachers (ITGT) Supporting International Dissemination of Teaching Innovations in the Life Sciences C Stokes, The Physiological Society, UK; Judy R Harris, University of Bristol, UK; D Scott, University of Aberdeen, UK. Alice Witney used ITGT funding to attend the ‘Crawfly’ course in Teaching Invertebrate Neurophysiology, held at Cornell University, USA. This award winning international course is designed to help educators introduce electrophysiology and optogenetics to undergraduate laboratories. It also helps to form a community of educators who can discuss best practice in education in neurophysiology. Alice learnt new experimental preparations in Crayfish and Drosophila developed by the instructors at Cornell and used in their established neurobiology teaching programme. Since taking the course, Alice has developed the Drosophila laboratory exercise into a final year Physiology research project. Recently she was awarded a “Dean’s Award for Innovation in Teaching” providing funding to introduce the experiments to laboratory teaching on the Physiology degree that she coordinates at Trinity College Dublin. Katherine Rogers attended the 6th International Nurse Education Conference in Brisbane, Australia, with support from the ITGT scheme. The conference facilitated the sharing of knowledge and experience of nursing, midwifery and healthcare workforce education across 40 countries. Katherine had the opportunity to make new contacts across the world with whom she now collaborates to explore the application of creativity to bioscience teaching in higher education. Katherine has since submitted this work for publication and disseminated her project findings through a range of workshops and seminars to colleagues at her institution and externally at other conferences and bioscience education events. International Travel Grants for Teachers (ITGT) Members and Non-Members eligible to apply for up to £2000 Funding to develop collaborations, learn new techniques or other opportunities to support your teaching and the teaching in your University. Deadline 31 August 2017 Jaipaul Singh was awarded an ITGT to visit the Medical and Dental Schools at the University of Guyana (UG) in April-May, 2016. The purpose of his travel was to assist with the accreditation of UG medical and dental undergraduate degrees by the Caribbean Medical Association. Following the visit, Jaipaul also signed a collaborative research agreement between the UG and the University of Central Lancashire (UClan) for training UG academic staff for higher degrees such as MSc by Research, MPhil and PhD. UClan will award the degrees in collaboration with the UG; there is also a student exchange programme between the two institutions. Jaipaul is now leading the development of joint teaching courses for BSc and MSc.