Take Away the Stone John 11:39
The Raising of Lazarus Jesus commanded them to do what they could do for themselves (v. 39, 44); then, he did the rest This principle is found elsewhere in Jesus’ miracles (Jn. 2:7; 9:7; etc.)
The Raising of Lazarus This principle is called “synergy” “Synergy” is the benefit that results when two or more agents work together to achieve something; it's the concept of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts
Synergism vs. Monergism Monergism = God works alone in man’s salvation (John Calvin) Synergism = God and man work together in man’s salvation (all NT writers)
Synergism in the New Testament Gr. συνήργει = synergy (work together) 1. Synergy within ourselves: faith working with works (Jas. 2:22) 2. Synergy with others: working with other Christians (1 Cor. 16:16)
Synergism in the New Testament 3. Synergy with God In evangelism (Mk. 16:20; 2 Cor. 6:1; see Acts 14:27; 1 Cor. 3:6-9) In the life of a Christian (Rom. 8:28)
Jesus Can Raise the Dead The dead sinner (Eph. 2:1) The dead Christian (1 Tim. 5:6) The dead Church (Rev. 3:1)
Take Away the Stone God will bless you, but you have to ask in prayer (Mt. 7:11) God will forgive you and add you, but you have to repent and be baptized (Acts 2:38-47)
Take Away the Stone God will strengthen you, but you have to grow in faith (Eph. 3:16-17) God will work in you, but you have to work (Phil. 2:12-13)
Take Away the Stone God will make a way of escape, but you have take heed (1 Cor. 10:12-13) God will not forsake you, but you have to be content (Heb. 13:5-6)
Take Away the Stone God will give grace, but you have to be humble (Jas. 4:6-10) God will guard you, but you have to have faith (1 Pet. 1:5)
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