Its all on the go... what mobile technologies do we need to be taking advantage of? Andrew Walsh, Getting Your Hands Digitally Dirty In The Library. October 2010
Turn on your mobile phones...
A few facts & figures The mobile Internet is ramping faster than desktop Internet did, and we believe more users may connect to the Internet via mobile devices than desktop PCs within 5 years. Morgan Stanley, December 2009.
Text messaging (SMS)
Join in with the social networks
Twitter embedded
First Challenge! Start playing with some social networks...
Dont forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. followed by the code OR text a code to
Quick & dirty broadcasting?
QR Codes
Mobiles know where they are...
Getting competitive?
Augmenting reality
Augmenting reality (2)
Information (mobile?) Literacy 7 pillars, Big six, etc. OR: From: Edwards, S. (2009) Panning for gold: Information Literacy and the net lenses model. Auslib Press: Adelaide.
Mobile is different...
Second Challenge! Be radical. Think how mobiles will change your users and do something about it now.
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